
发布日期:2018-07-26 11:34 本文摘要:小学二年级英语教材分析,自从上学后,我们接触的最多的就是教材,教材也分很多种,各类科目的,各种颜色,各类各样,下面大思英语小编为大家做一个小学二年级英语教材分析。 小学英语二年级教材分析 一、中、高年级定位比较 低年级英语教学定位:(入门) 1




















   5、未达标比例力争控制在5-10 %左右 


   1、保持兴趣的持久性 * 抓住孩子们的心理;表扬、奖励、 * 满足孩子们的欲望;说唱、表演、竞赛、体验 

   2、良好意志品质及学习习惯的培养 * 优良的意志品质并不是生来就有的,而是在儿童的实践活动中在克服困难的过程中逐渐形成起来的 * 要有意识地为学生创设克服困难的情境,在克服困难的同时锻炼各种意志品质

   3、方法及策略的指导 * 课前预习,课中指导,课后复习 * 认真完成作业,学会做笔记  * 测验后及时反思,找差距 

   4、关注学困生,控制分化比例 * 鼓励;表扬卡,激励语,作业评语 * 帮助;补课、结对子、 * 与班主任积极切磋 * 家校协同;联系本、联系电话 

   5、语言技能的培养(途径) 听:听课堂用语及指令语,听录音,听故事,听问题及回答。 说:训练较好的语言表达能力(发音正确,吐字清晰,表达完整)。 读:喜欢读书及故事,读相应水平的语言材料。 写:正确规范的仿写、书写词语、句子,造句,自编小对话。 玩:乐于参与课上教师组织的各种教学活动。

   The Story of the Snail City

   Once there was a snail city where all the snails lived. It's clean and quiet and beautiful in the city.

   But there was one problem the time seemed to go too fast. It was summer time now. The water lilies in the south of the city had come out. A young snail wanted to invite the girl in the north to enjoy the lilies. So he wrote a letter to her. But when the letter got to her the water lilies had withered. And when the girl came to the south what she saw were plum blossoms for it was already winter time. One autumn when the grapes in the north were ripe the girl-snail wrote to the young snail in the

   south to come to eat grapes. But when he reached the north there were not any grapes only vegetables for it was already winter. Everybody felt really confused about this. "Why time passes so quickly in our city?" They all asked each other. But another girl snail understood why. It was not because the time went fast but because they themselves walked too slow. The low speed made it inconvenient to communicate. And then she thought of a good idea. She grew some morning glory. Soon there were vines on most of the walls from the south to the north. Then the morning glories came out. There was one flower in each snail's window. The girl snail was happy to see this because she wanted to do something with them . She put her

   mouth in one of the flowers and called loudly "Hello." Then she heard the echo from the next flower.Well, she was practising the telephone system . The root of the vine was the telephone exchange. After three days' hard work the exchange was set

   up. The whole city's telephones were connected and could be used easily. There were morning glory telephones all over the city. With their help,. the snails could do things on time . And the girl snail in the south married the young snail in the north with the help of the telephone. And the girl who invented the telephone was still busy answering calls on the interchange.



   The Story of Mother

   a dream,the mother felt someone coming in.When she woke up,she found her child was gone.In fact,God had taken him away.The sorrowful mother cried and ran out the door to search for her child.

   A woman in a black cheongsam who was the night goddess was sitting in a snow field.The mother said to her:Night goddess,have you seen my child?Can you tell me where he went?I want to find him!The night goddess said:I know the piace where he went.However,you must sing all the songs which you have sung for your child.You sing well.I have seen your tears when you sing.I like the love songs.So,the mother sang again ang again crying tearfully through the snowstorm the more she sang .The more she cried.Hearing these songs,the night goddess told her:God took your child to the dark forest.Plesae follow them quickly!

   When the mother went there,she found nobody there at all.There were only some frozen thorn bushes.The mother asked:Thorn bush,did you see God carrying my child pass by here?The thorn bush said:I saw them.I am freezing to death.If you warm me by holding me,I well tell you.So,the mother held it and put it onto her own chest.The thorn pricked her body deeply and her blood flowed out.With the warmth,green leaves grew out of the thorn and it blossomed on that cold night.The thorn bush said to the mother:Your heart is so warm like the sunshine.You should find your child by the lakeside.

   The mother came to the lakeside.The lake was very big and there was no sign of a boat.She could not get a ferry to reach the other shore.So,she bent down and began to drink the water.She thought that she would find her child if she drank up all the water.The big lake said:No one can drink up all my water.Your eyes are so nice;they are the brightest eyes I have ever seen.If you will give me your eyes,I will take you to a big garden,where God planted the flowers.God says that each tree or each flower represents a person's life.The mother said:I will do anything for my child.After these words,her eyes fell into the lake.The lake held the mother with its wide hands to carry her to God's garden.

   An old woman guarding the garden house saw her and said:Who are you?How did you come here?The mother said:Please help me find my child!I need him!The old woman said:If you are willing to give me a present,I will take you into the garden.The mother said:I have nothing to give you,but I will do anything for you!The mother walked toward a blue flower.Suddenly,she heard the child's heartbeat:Oh,it is him!I've found him!The mother reached out her hands and held the flower tightly.

   Then a blast of wind blew into the greenhouse.God came back.The mother asked God to give her child back.God floated towards the mother with her two eyes and said:These are your eyes,which are so bright.You poor woman,have them back!So,mothercould see again.She saw the spring flowers.Her child was walking among the flowers.Around him,there was such love,joy and happiness.There was no hunger,no pain,no sorrow.God said to the mother:Are you willing to give up your child or do you want him to go back and suffer pain with you?The mother said quickly:I can bear any pain as long as my child can be happy!Please take my child into the happy heaven!With the mother's hearfelt prayer,God took her child away into heaven.


   What is beauty? Everyone has a different answer. This story is about the beauty which a sculptor and artist can create. He wants to make the clay into a work of art so that everyone can enjoy it.

   One day, he hears that a village has two nice roses. One is an elder sister, the other is a younger sister. So he decided to visit them. Everyone has seen the two girls says, they are so beautiful! when he enters the house, he is struck by their beauty. He can’t decide which one is more beautiful. Unfortunately, he has no sculpting tool with him. They make another appointment, and then he returns to his city.

   Unfortunately, before the sculptor returns, an accident happens. When their father is working in the forest, he falls into a deep hole, but they don’t know about it. When the sun sets, they are anxious. The mother decides to search for him in the forest. The elder sister said: Mum, you and my younger sister go to search. I’ll stay here. Once something happens, I can deal with it. The younger sister doesn’t have the experience. So the mother and the young sister walk into the forest. It gets darker and darker so that they can not continue, and they return home. The father has come back. The elder sister has fallen asleep. The younger sister also goes to sleep. Then the father tells the mother what happened. He says : I fell into a deep hole. And I couldn’t climb out of it. Hearing my voice, a man came and saved me with a rope. I thanked him very much. He made a request , he wants one of our daughters to marry him. He says that he will make our daughter happy.

   The mother says : did you agree with him?

   The father says: yes ,I did. I said that my elder daughter is an adult. If you will marry her, you had better hold an honorable wedding because I do not know you. I have not seen a man living in a forest.

   The mother says: he may be a pirate living in the forest.

   The father says: impossible, I think he may be poor. He works outside in the day and live in the forest at night.

   The elder sister doesn’t want to marry the stranger. She complains her father has decided the daughter’s marriage by chance. Why doesn’t he make the young sister marry him?

   The father says : your sister is younger than you.

   The mother says: but the man wants to meet you today. He saved your father, after all. However , no matter what they say , the elder sister doesn’t want to. And they worried about it. The younger sister has been saying nothing. Suddenly she says to them: since my sister in not willing to do it. Let me see the man and explain. Mum says: let them see the man, maybe he’ll change his mind. The elder sister agrees with what the mother says.

   A man with untidy hair sitting on a post greets them. Seeing him, the elder sister turns around immediately, and says nothing.She thinks the man is a beggar. The young sister has to walk toward him by herself and says, I am the younger daughter of the ranger. The girl back there is my elder sister.

   The man says: I’ll marry your sister not you. Since she is busy, I will wait here for her tomorrow. The young sister politely tells him her sister’s idea. Hearing these words, the man says: since your sister is not willing, I want to marry you.

   The young sister says, we thank you for saving my father. I am willing to be your wife to show our appreciation. But you must wait for two years. The man says, no problem, I can wait for you.

   After returning home, the young sister tells their parents what happened. So their family recovers from the accident.

   A neighbor finds a rich household for the elder sister. The next year, the people see workers come to build an enormous palace. When the splendid palace is finished and the flower bloom in the garden, the people conclude that a young king will live there. Oh , what they say is right. The king will come and hold a grand wedding. The king is the beggar whom they met in the forest. In fact , the fame of his two beautiful daughters has spread to the capital. The young king is going to marry his queen. At the wedding, the sculptor shows his present to them. It is a statue of the bride, which is a work of art.

   The people asks the sculptor: the bride’s sister is as beautiful as her, you should make a statue of the bride’s sister.

   The sculptor says, yes, the bride is as nice as her elder sister so that I can not tell which is the more beautiful. After hearing the story, I think the younger is the nicest with a perfect soul. She is beautiful not only in her looks but also in her heart. A person who is nice in heart and looks is the most beautiful one. if this is so, I can create a really perfect work of art.


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