
发布日期:2021-08-23 10:10 本文摘要:[1] [2]Watching TV or staring at computer for hours does not cause short sightedness. [3]电子化教学方式损害视力?美国验光协会:二者并无关联 [4] Eye myths and facts [5] John S. Hutton, et al. Associat


  [2]Watching TV or staring at computer for hours does not cause short sightedness.


  [4] Eye myths and facts

  [5] John S. Hutton, et al. Associations Between Screen-Based Media Use and Brain White Matter Integrity in Preschool-Aged Children.JAMA Pediatr, 2019.3869

  [6] Heavy screen time appears to impact childrens brains: study

  [7] Sheri Madigan, Dillon Browne, Nicole Racine, et al. Association Between Screen Time and Children’s Performance on a Developmental Screening Test.JAMA Pediatr. 2019;173(3):244-250.


  [9] Mobile Phone Radiation May Affect Memory Performance in Adolescents, Study Finds.

  [10] Checking phones in lectures can cost students half a grade in exams

  [11] LP Beland,R Murphy. In brief... Phone home: should mobiles be banned in schools?Centrepiece the Magazine for Economic Performance , 2015.

  [12] The wonderful world of babies.|BBC,2018.

  [13] Media and Young Minds.





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