
发布日期:2018-05-29 11:23 本文摘要:人教版英语五年级下册Unit3教案。英语教案是我们学习的时候要注意的,其实教案也是老师对于书本知识的总结的一种精华,所以我们在学习的时候其实同学们可以进行知识的总结,所以大思英语小编也很希望同学们在英语学习中可以在学习的时候进行教案的复习和知识





   1.能够听、说、认读本单元句型:When is your birthday? My 间birthday is in February. Is your birthday in February, too? No, my birthday is in ….

   2.能听懂、会唱歌曲When is your birthday?。

   3.能听懂Let’s try部分录音,并完成相应练习。



   1、本课时的教学重点是强化第一课时的句型:When is your birthday? My birthday is in …并听、说、认读新句型:Is your birthday in …, too?

   2、本课时的教学难点是学生要根据实际情况使用多样化的表达方式 ,如:When is your birthday? Is your birthday in February, too? 以及When is Children’s Day?






   活动一:Let’s sing

   ① 教师播放歌曲When is your birthday?两遍,请学生说一说唱歌的小孩是几月份的生日。

   ② 再次播放歌曲,学生听一遍后跟着旋律哼唱。打开学生用书36页,学生跟唱。

   活动二:I say, you say

   教师说January,学生抢答 February,依此类推,到December.

   活动三:Let’s try

   ① 教师播放课件一遍,请学生在Amy, Her mother, Her father下面的括号内填出相应的月份。

   ② 再播放课件一遍,全班一起核对答案。


   活动四:Let’s talk

   ①教师说:让我们听一下Amy 和Mike 在谈论什么呢?放多媒体课件,学生欣赏。

   ②教师问:Mike 想知道Amy 的生日是在几月份,他是怎么问的呢?生回答。板书。

   师: Amy’s birthday is in February. Mike’s birthday is in December. When is Zhang Peng’s birthday? 再放课件,学生欣赏,回答问题。

   ③ 学生边看书边听录音,朗读对话。

   ④ 教师和一名学习做示范对话。


   3.Let’s play(趣味操练)


   ①教师问学生:Do you like June? Why?,有的学生可能说出有六一儿童节,教师帮助学生说出Children’s day。

   ② 教师请学生说一说他们还知道哪些节日,用英语表达。

   ③ 教师出示29页中的节日,配以相应的图片,让学生朗读。

   活动六:Let’s find out

   ① 教师提问学生:When is Children’s Day?,请学生答出:It’s in June.。

   ② 给学生几分钟把节日和相应的月份连线。

   ③ 请若干名学生就其它节日进行提问,直至把所有节日问完。但对于My mother/father’s … birthday,教师鼓励学生想一想该如何询问他人的生日,帮助他们说出:When is your mother/father’s … birthday?。

   solidation and extension(巩固与扩展)



   ① When is Chen Jie’s birthday?

   It’s ( ) May.


   ②Is your birthday in January,( )?

   Yes, it is.

   A.either B.to C.too

   ③When is National Day?

   It’s in ( ).

   A.October B.November C.December

   5.Summary课堂小结:这一节课我们重点学习了When is your birthday? My birthday is in February. Is your birthday in February, too? No, my birthday is in …,中西方主要节日所在月份及父母、同伴的生日。


   ① 听Let’s talk录音,并读给家长听。


   7.Blackboard Design板书设计:

   Unit3 A Let’s talk

   When is your birthday?

   My birthday is in February. Is your birthday in February, too?

   No, my birthday is in …



   Ⅰ.Look and write.写短语。

   Ⅱ.Read and choose.选择最佳答案。

   ( )1.What are you doing?

   A. Cooking dinner. B. I like read a book.

   C. She is playing games.

   ( )2.Is she cooking dinner?

   A. Yes, she isn’t. B. No, she isn’t.

   C. Yes, I am.

   ( )3.What is your mother doing?

   A. He’s talking. B. She’s doing housework..

   C. She is cook the meal..

   ( )4.Can I speak to Amy, please?

   A. She is doing homework. B. Hold on, please.

   C. No, she can’t.

   ( )5.Where are you playing football?

   A. On the playground. B. No, I can’t.

   C. I play with John.

   Ⅲ. Look and write.用所给单词的适当形式填空。

   1. What (be) you doing? I am (write).

   2. What (be) your grandma doing? She is (wash).

   3. What (be) they doing? They are (draw).

   4. What (be) your mother doing? She (be) reading.

   5. What (be) Mike doing? He is (play) football.

   Ⅳ. Rearrange the sentences.连词组句,并加上正确的标点。

   1. is What doing she

   2. an e-mail writing Grandpa is

   3. are What doing you

   4. study in Brother doing is homework the

   5. speak Can to I Zhang Peng please

   Ⅴ. Read, tick or cross.阅读,判断,对的写T,错的写F。

   A: Hello! Can I speak to your mother, please?

   B: She is busy now. Please hold on.

   A: Thank you.

   B: Mom, there is a call for you.

   C: This is Mrs Brown. Who is that?

   A: Hi, Susan. This is Anna. How is everybody doing?

   C: I’m washing clothes. My father is reading a book. My mother is cleaning the floor. And Mike is doing his homework. How about you?

   A: I’m free now.

   C: Bye.

   A: See you.

   ( )1.B is Mike.

   ( )2.Anna is busy now.

   ( )3.Mike’s grandmother is washing clothes.

   ( )4.Mrs Brown is Mike’s mother.

   ( )5.Mike is doing homework.
