
发布日期:2019-02-12 18:55 本文摘要:权力的游戏第八季预告片呼之欲出,但管理层闹脾气2019.02.04 周一 Monday trailer/treil/ n. 预告片 Youmay be waiting with rapt anticipation for the first fulltrailerfor Game of Thrones Season 8, but the shows co-creators dont particularly want



  周一 Monday


  trailer /treilə/ 


  n. 预告片



  You may be waiting with rapt anticipation for the first full trailer for Game of Thrones Season 8, but the shows co-creators dont particularly want you to see one.你可能已经迫不及待想看《权力的游戏》第八季的完整预告片了,但是这部剧的创作者们却并不太想让你看到。


  Before you panic and start burning wildfire all over the place, chill. Audiences will still get a glimpse at the fantasy-epics final bow before it hits HBO on Sunday, April 14. 不过,先不要惊慌,冷静一下。在这部奇幻史诗最终于4月14号星期天在HBO播出之前,观众们还是有机会预先窥见一斑。


  That said, if it were strictly up to executive producers D.B. Weiss and David Benioff, we all might just have to wait to see whats ahead for the six-episode season until it actually airs.不过虽然这么说,但如果整件事完全由总制作人D.B. Weiss和David Benioff来决定的话,我们还真的有可能要等到正式播出才能知道这季的6集到底讲什么。


  Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, Benioff cited Twin Peaks David Lynch to say that he wished there were no trailers at all, with which the duo agreed. Its true, you could just go into a movie and see something completely fresh, said Benioff. Weiss then chimed in with, I wish there were no trailers. I just want somebody to say, Trust me, go see this.Benioff在和《娱乐周刊》沟通的时候,引用了《双峰》剧组的David Lynch的话,他说希望完全不要有预告片,而《权游》的两位总制作人也赞同这个想法。Benioff说:“就是这样,这样等你看到片子的时候就会有完全新鲜的感觉了。”Weiss之后也跟着说:“我不希望有预告片。我只希望有人出来说:‘相信我,去看吧’。”


  Its too late for any of that at this point, of course. So far, there have already been three small teasers for the coming season, and two of them seem to drop some major hints about what to expect from the long-awaited arrival of winter this spring. 当然,现在说这些都晚了。目前,马上要播的这一季已经出了3部短篇幅的预告片,而且其中的两部似乎已经为接下来的剧情提供了重大的暗示、让我们预先瞥见了这场等待良久的凛冬在今春回归后会发生什么。


  The first teaser showed a collision of fire and ice, with the house sigil animals (a wolf, a dragon and a lion) all standing guard as the contrasting elements flowed in. That was all nice and metaphorical, but it was the second teaser that really got jaws to the floor.第一部预告片展现的是冰与火的冲突,而且它们进入屏幕的时候三大家族的族徽(一匹狼、一只龙、一头狮子)全都严阵以待。这都挺好的,很有隐喻性,不过真正让人惊掉下巴的是第二部预告片。


  In an ad that debuted during the Golden Globes, Sansa Stark is shown handing the keys of Winterfell over to Your Grace Daenerys Targaryen, and since no one actually expects the Lady of Winterfell to take the news of Jon Snows knee-bending so well, we have to wonder if this is foretelling a surprise truce ... or some sneaky Stark subterfuge — Sansa did learn from Littlefinger, after all.在金球奖期间播出的一条广告里,三傻把临冬城的钥匙交给了龙妈“陛下”;而由于我们都不指望这位临冬城女主能够欣然接受雪诺加入龙妈麾下的事实,所以我们有理由怀疑这则预告片是不是在预告一场意料之外的休战,又或者是史塔克家的什么诡计,毕竟三傻确实从小指头那学了些东西。






  trailer /treilə/ 


  n. 预告片








  He is driving a car towing a trailer with a boat on it.他开着一辆车,后面拖着一辆载有小船的拖车。




  He is poor and living in a trailer park.他很穷,住在一个拖车停车场里。