
发布日期:2019-02-12 18:55 本文摘要:穿普拉达的女王被翻案,我们一直搞错了故事原型2019.02.06 周三 Wednesday base/beis/ v. 以为原型 Itsbeen 13 years since The Devil Wears Prada came out - can you believe it?!距离《穿普拉达的女王》上映都已经13年了,你能相信吗? Overthose years f



  周三 Wednesday


  base /beis/ 


  v. 以……为原型



  Its been 13 years since The Devil Wears Prada came out - can you believe it?!距离《穿普拉达的女王》上映都已经13年了,你能相信吗?


  Over those years fans have always assumed Mery Streeps fierce character in the film was inspired by the editor of one of the most famous magazines in the world - Anna Wintour.这么多年,粉丝们一直以为梅里尔·斯特里普在片中的彪悍角色脱胎于某全球一线杂志的总编辑——安娜·温图尔。


  This is because the film, adapted from Laren Weisbergers book of the same name, was thought to be a loose retelling of the authors real experiences of working at Vogue.这是因为,这部改编自拉伦·维斯伯格同名小说的电影一直被认为是作者对自己在Vogue工作经历的虚实莫辨的重述。


  But it turns out Runway magazine editor Miranda Priestly wasnt actually based on Anna Wintour at all.但结果是,Runway杂志的总编辑米兰达·普里斯利实际上并不是以安娜·温图尔为原型的。


  Or at least, thats the story Streeps co-star Emily Blunt is telling everyone.至少这是另一位主演——与斯特里普同台对戏的艾米丽·勃朗特——告诉大家的。


  Speaking in an NPR Podcast while promoting her new film, Mary Poppins Returns, Blunt revealed that Priestly was actually based on two men from Hollywood.当时,勃朗特正在NPR电视台的播客上推广她的新电影《欢乐满人间续集》,她透露说普里斯利的原型其实是好莱坞的两个男人。


  She said: Meryl didnt actually base it on Anna Wintour - well, she told Anna that.她说:“梅里尔并不是把安娜·温图尔作为这个角色的原型。额,反正她对安娜是这么说的。”


  She based it on two men in Hollywood that she knew - who will remain nameless, but I know who they are.“她是以好莱坞的两个男人为原型来演这个角色的,我们不会透露这两个人的名字,不过我知道他们是谁。”


  As well as this admission, Blunt also revealed how she managed to nab her role as Mirandas assistant, Emily, in the film.除了这个爆料以外,勃朗特还讲述了她如何才拿到了片中米兰达的助手一角——艾米丽。


  I remember I was out in LA, which I found altogether overwhelming anyway because it was very new, she explained.她解释到:“我记得我当时在加州感很紧张,整个人都压得喘不过气,因为一切都太新奇了。”


  I was 22, I think, and I was auditioning at Fox Studios for something else, and then they just threw these slides at me and they said actually would you just read for this other thing while youre here. Its called The Devil Wears Prada.“我记得我那时才22岁,当时正在福克斯工作室参加其他什么角色的海选。结果他们突然就把这堆幻灯片扔给我,然后说你能不能趁着还没走读一读这另一个角色的台词,这片子叫《穿普拉达的女王》”


  She added: I remember feeling really nervous because I was going to miss my flight. And so I think because of the anxiety I probably felt about being late - which I loathe being late in general - I think in some way that worked because I had a sense of sort of fretful energy about me.她补充到:“我记得我当时超级紧张,因为我就要错过飞机了。我想,我那会大概是因为害怕迟到所以显得很焦虑——我真的很讨厌迟到——而这种焦虑不知怎么让我显得很适合这个角色,我身上当时显露出一种很焦灼的能量。”


  And that rather worked for this anxious, fractious, starving assistant that I was playing.“而那正适合我演的这位焦虑、易怒还忍饥挨饿的助理。”






  base /beis/ 


  v. 以……为原型




  base 作为名词的时候表示“基础”、“底部”。




  The base of the glass is broken.玻璃杯的底部破了。




  She used her familys history as a base for her novel.她把她的家史作为了自己小说的素材。


  而它作为动词的时候则表示“以……为根据/原型/基础”,用法通常是 base sth. on sth.


  She based her new novel on her own family history.她是以自己的家史为原型来写新小说的。