
发布日期:2018-09-01 00:00 本文摘要:Your career path is unlikely to be a straight one that leads directly to your dream job.你的职业道路不太可能是一条直接通往你梦想工作的直线。 There are things you can do in college, like interning and finding a mentor, that can position you

  Your career path is unlikely to be a straight one that leads directly to your dream job.你的职业道路不太可能是一条直接通往你梦想工作的直线。 

  There are things you can do in college, like interning and finding a mentor, that can position you as a qualified candidate for your dream job.在大学里,你可以做一些事情,比如实习和找一位导师,这些可以让你成为理想工作的合格候选人。 

  Here are the four smartest things author Audrey Noble did in college that helped kick-start her career.以下是作者奥黛丽·诺布尔在大学里做的四件最聪明的事,帮助她开启了职业生涯。 

  When I graduated in 2014, the golden age of magazines was on its way out, so I had to work hard to land one of the few available jobs in my preferred area of media.当我2014年毕业时,杂志的黄金时代即将结束,所以我不得不努力工作,在我喜欢的媒体领域找到一份为数不多的工作。 

  No matter your field, many people who are applying for your desired job may be just as, if not more, qualified than you. For example, I grew up and went to college in Los Angeles, with no connections to the magazine world (which is largely based in New York City).不管你从事的是什么行业,很多申请你想要的工作的人都可能和你一样,甚至比你更有资格。例如,我在洛杉矶长大并上了大学,与杂志世界没有任何联系(杂志世界主要位于纽约)。 

  I knew that my resumé wasnt going to be filled with the same big-name brands someone who had gone to school and done multiple internships in Manhattan, so I looked for ways to find an my in while I was in college across the country.我知道我的简历里不会出现那些曾经在曼哈顿上过学、做过多次实习工作的大牌名字,所以我想办法在大学的时候通过全国各地寻找“入行”的方法。 

  If I hadnt done things like find a mentor and go on informational interviews, I may not have gotten the job that kicked off my career. Here are the four of the smartest things I did before graduating that got me to where I am today.如果我没有做一些事情,比如找一位导师,参加咨询面试,我可能就不会得到这份开启我职业生涯的工作。以下是我毕业前做过的四件最聪明的事情,它们让我走到了今天。 

   1. Interning1. 参与实习 

  This is an obvious one, but I cannot stress enough the importance of interning while in school. Not only does an internship give you real, hands-on experience in your field, but it also shows future employers that youre serious about your future. You internship doesnt have to be at a well-known company — job experience is what many potential employers are looking for.这是显而易见的,但我无法再多强调在学校实习的重要性。实习不仅能让你在自己的领域获得真正的实践经验,还能让未来的雇主看到你对自己的未来是认真的。你的实习并不一定要在一家知名的公司——很多潜在雇主都在寻找工作经验。 

  I interned with stylists and up-and-coming websites in LA starting the summer before my sophomore year so that my resumé showcased my interest in the industry. Down the road, my experience was enough for well-known magazines to consider my application when I was applying for internships and full-time positions.我在洛杉矶实习,从大二的暑假开始,我就在那里接触造型师和新兴的网站,这样我的简历就展示了我对这个行业的兴趣。后来,我的经历足以让知名杂志在我申请实习和全职职位时考虑我的申请。 

   2. Finding a mentor2. 寻找导师 

  I was lucky enough to intern for Allure in New York City one summer between my junior and senior year. There, I worked for two beauty assistants who I still consider my mentors today. We kept in contact after my internship ended and when I graduated, they would recommend me to people they knew were hiring and pass my info along to the right people so that I could be considered for the position.我很幸运,在大三到大四之间的一个夏天,我在纽约Allure那里实习。在那里,我为两名美容助理工作,我至今仍将他们视为我的导师。我的实习结束后,我们一直保持联系,当我毕业时,他们会把我推荐给他们认识的人,并把我的信息传递给合适的人,这样我就可以考虑这个职位。 

  Magazines is a small industry where everyone knows everyone, so its helpful as a job-seeker to find people who will refer you. My mentors also helped me when I was struggling, whether I needed advice on an edit test or general emotional support.杂志的圈子很小,行内人都互相认识,所以作为一个求职者,找到推荐你的人是很有帮助的。当我遇到困难的时候,我的导师也会帮助我,不管我是需要在编辑测试方面的建议,还是一般的情感支持。 

   3. Going on informational interviews3. 不断参加咨询面试 

  I found that the best way to learn about job openings was through the connections I made by going on informational interviews. When an assistant or editor position opens up, the first candidates considered are usually recommendations from staff or contacts of the hiring manager.我发现了解职位空缺的最好方法是通过我在信息面试建立的联系。当助理或编辑职位空缺时,最先考虑的候选人通常是来自员工或招聘经理的联系人的推荐。 

  To make connections, I cold-emailed editors to see if they would meet me for a quick coffee while I was interning in the city or have a phone call when I was back at school in LA. I did my research, studied the mastheads of my favorite magazines, and sent a personalized email to each editor.为了建立联系,我给编辑们发了一封电子邮件,询问他们是否愿意在我在洛杉矶实习期间和我一起喝杯咖啡,或者在我回到洛杉矶上学时给我打个电话。我做了调查,研究了我最喜欢的杂志的报头,并给每个编辑发了一封个性化的电子邮件。 

  In each email, I told the editor that I was a student who wanted to pursue a career in the magazine industry. I listed my internship and other experience and concluded the email saying that I would love to hear about their career path and any advice they may have for me.在每一封邮件中,我都告诉编辑,我是一个想在杂志行业发展的学生。我列出了我的实习经历和其他经历,并在邮件结尾说,我很想听听他们的职业道路以及他们可能给我的建议。 

  I received at least one response from every magazine I reached out to. However, if you dont hear back from anyone, dont be discouraged. Review your email closely for anything that could be putting people off, then keep reaching out. You will eventually connect with someone.我接触到的每一本杂志都至少有一篇回复。然而,如果你没有收到任何人的回复,不要气馁。仔细检查你的电子邮件,看看是否有什么事情会让你的邮件内容让人分心,然后继续联系。你最终会和某人建立联系。 

   4. Keeping in touch4. 保持联系 

  Maintain the relationships youve established. The professionals youve connected with are likely very busy, so its on you to make sure they remember you. Once a month or so, I would touch base over the phone with my contacts, email them about an article they had written, or send them something they might find interesting. Occasionally, I asked about job openings.保持你已经建立的关系。和你联系过的专业人士可能都很忙,所以你要确保他们记住你。大约一个月左右,我就会和联系人通过电话联系,把他们写的文章发邮件给他们,或者给他们发一些他们可能感兴趣的东西。偶尔,我也会问一些关于职位空缺的问题。 

  I was six months into my-post college internship when I emailed an editorial assistant I had kept in touch with back when I was in school and asked if she knew of any positions opening up at her magazine. 在我大学实习的六个月里,我给一位编辑助理发了一封电子邮件,问她是否知道她的杂志有任何职位空缺。 

  Turns out, I had emailed at the right time, as she had just put in her two weeks notice. She told me to send my resumé to be considered for her position. After a few rounds of interviewing and an edit test, I got my first job as a beauty assistant at Vanity Fair. And the rest is history.结果是,我在正确的时间发了电子邮件,就像她刚刚在两周前通知的那样。她让我把我的简历寄给她考虑。经过几轮面试和编辑测试,我得到了第一份工作——《名利场》的美容助理。剩下的就是历史了。 
