
发布日期:2018-08-31 18:28 本文摘要:Your career doesnt have to decline as you age, in fact, it can be a great opportunity to try a new career path and keep growing.你的事业不必随着年龄的增长而衰退,事实上,这是一个尝试新的职业道路并保持成长的好机会。 Expert career coaches ha

  Your career doesnt have to decline as you age, in fact, it can be a great opportunity to try a new career path and keep growing.你的事业不必随着年龄的增长而衰退,事实上,这是一个尝试新的职业道路并保持成长的好机会。 

  Expert career coaches have debunked seven common myths about job searching for those over 40, or for people with more than a decade of experience, and how to combat the fear.职业专家培训师透露了关于40岁以上的人,或者有10年以上工作经验的人求职过程的7个常见误区,以及如何战胜恐惧。 

  To start, focus on your strengths that qualify you, not what youre lacking.首先,关注你的长处,而不是你所短处。 

  Youve got more than a decade (maybe two or three, gulp) of work experience under your belt. Youve developed a valuable skill set, a deep network of VIP contacts and a solid track record that others in your field would envy.你已经有超过10年的工作经验(可能是20到30年)。你已经发展了一套有价值的技能,深厚的VIP人脉网络和良好的记录,这些都是你的同行会羡慕的。 

  So why are you so afraid to look for a new job?那你为什么这么害怕找新工作呢? 

  Maybe you think employers will consider you too old or too expensive, or youre worried the grass will be browner elsewhere.也许你认为雇主会认为你太老或太贵,或者你担心其他地方的资源更短缺。阻碍资深工作者改变职业选择的7大误区 

  But unless youve got retirement in your five-year plan — and hey, even if you do — you deserve to be fulfilled in your work life until then. And that means overcoming those pesky little voices inside your head that tell you its better not to bother looking for something new. But dont take our word for it; Monster asked some expert career coaches to debunk common myths about job searches for those over 40.但除非你计划五年内退休了——嘿,即使你已经退休了——在那之前,你应该在工作中得到满足。这就意味着要克服你脑子里那些烦人的小声音,它们告诉你最好不要去寻找新的东西。但不要相信我们的话;Monster调查公司对40岁以上的人进行了调查,并邀请了一些职业教练来透露那些关于寻找工作的普遍误区。 

   1. Myth: Im too old to be hired anywhere1. 误区一:‘我太老了,哪里都找不到我’ 

  When clients are over 40, fear is what gets them. Focus on your strengths, not what youre lacking. Do you have the qualifications? Can you bring value to this position? If youre a subject-matter expert or have specific skills, play that up in your resume, cover letter or communications with a recruiter. Its easy to focus on why you cant get the job, but the trick is to not let that psych you out.“当客户超过40岁时,恐惧就是他们的障碍。关注你的长处,而不是你的短处。你有资格吗?你能给这个职位带来价值吗?如果你是某一领域的专家或者有特定的技能,在你的简历、求职信或者与招聘人员的交流中都要强调这一点。你很容易关注得不到这份工作的原因,但关键是不要让这种情绪影响到你。” 

  — Joshua Miller, executive coach in the San Francisco area——Joshua Miller,旧金山地区的高管教练 

   2. Myth: Networking is the only way to get a job2. 误区二:‘人脉是获得工作的唯一途径’ 

  I regularly see three strategies successfully land people jobs: networking, answering ads and working with recruiters. But these methods are only worthwhile if they are used effectively and proactively. Yes, networking is a significant part of the job search — and particularly for older workers — but dont rely on only one method to help with your job search. Actively and effectively working on all three of these strategies is the optimal way to ensure your chances of landing a job.“我经常看到有三种策略可以成功地让人们找到工作:建立人脉、回复广告和与招聘人员合作。但是,这些方法只有在有效和主动地使用时才有价值。是的,人际关系网是求职过程中很重要的一部分——尤其是对年长的员工来说——但不要仅仅依靠一种方法来帮助你找工作。积极有效地执行这三种策略是确保你获得工作机会的最佳途径。“ 

  — Paul Bernard, executive coach and career management consultant in the New York City area—— Paul Bernard,纽约地区的行政教练和职业管理顾问 

   3. Myth: Ill be pegged as less productive than younger candidates3. 误区三:‘我的工作效率会低于年轻的候选人’ 

  The Society for Human Resource Management notes that there is no correlation between advancing age and declining work productivity. Be innovative and demonstrate your ability to lead, to get things done, to enhance productivity with process or system improvements, and to save or make the company money.“人力资源管理学会指出,年龄增长与工作效率下降之间没有关联。你得保持创造了,展示你的领导能力,完成任务的能力,通过过程或系统改进提高生产力的能力,以及节约或赚钱的能力。” 

  — Robin Ryan, career counselor and author of Over 40 & Youre Hired, based in the Seattle areaRobin Ryan,职业顾问,《40岁以上,你被聘用》一书的作者,西雅图 

   4. Myth: I wont be happy in a role with less responsibility4. 误区四:‘我不会在一个责任更少的角色中感到快乐’ 

  This is wrong on two counts. Many of us start down a track when we are very young that takes us to a place we never anticipated being. Some of us want to hit the reset button and have the financial resources from our first career to do just that. Second, as our personal circumstances change, due to aging parents or health scares, many over-40 job seekers relish a job with less responsibility — as long as they can still add value.这在两点上是错误的。我们很多人在很小的时候就开始了一段旅程,带我们去一个我们从未预料到的地方。我们中的一些人想按下复位键,从我们的第一份工作中获得足够的财政资源。其次,随着我们个人环境的变化,由于父母年龄的增长或健康问题的担忧,许多40岁以上的求职者喜欢责任更小的工作——只要他们还能增加价值。” 

  — Kim Seeling Smith, founder and CEO of Ignite Global, based in Sydney and Austin—— Kim Seeling Smith, Ignite Global创始人兼首席执行官,总部位于悉尼和奥斯汀 

   5. Myth: I wont like being supervised by younger employees5. 误区五:‘我不喜欢被年轻员工监督’ 

  When older workers feel valued for their contributions, it doesnt matter the age of the person providing the recognition.“当年长的员工觉得自己的贡献受到重视时,那么给予认可的人的年龄并不重要。” 

  — Lauren Milligan, career advancement coach at ResuMAYDAY in the Chicago area——Lauren Milligan, ResuMAYDAY芝加哥地区职业发展教练 

   6. Myth: Employers will balk at my salary requirements6. 误区六:“雇主会对我的薪资要求望而却步” 

  Too much is contextual to how experienced you are, the market demand for your skills and how good you are at your job. If you want to command high compensation, make sure the employer feels they will get a good deal in return. Explain how you could take on additional responsibility, drive improved results and further justify the increased spending on their side.“‘太多’与你的经验、市场对你技能的需求以及你在工作中的表现有关。如果你想要高报酬,确保雇主觉得他们会得到一笔不错的回报。解释你如何能承担更多的责任,推动改善的结果,并进一步证明他们增加的支出是合理的。” 

  — Ben Brooks, business and executive coach in the New York City area——Ben Brooks,纽约地区的商务和行政教练 

   7. Myth: Its too late to make a radical career change7. 误区七:‘想要彻底改变职业太迟了’ 

  There is still time to make a lateral move to gain new skills or to learn an industry you have not been in yet. You are experienced enough to know how to create a good business case for your ability to move your skill set to something else. The key is to remain nimble and not get complacent. Keep growing. Keep taking risks. Keep demonstrating your willingness to learn and youll be able to negotiate your way to new opportunities.“仍然有时间进行横向调整,以获得新的技能或学习一个你还没有涉足的行业。您有足够的经验,知道如何为您的能力创建一个良好的业务案例,将您的技能集转移到其他地方。关键是要保持灵活,不要自满。保持增长。继续冒险。不断展示你的学习意愿,你就能通过谈判获得新的机会。”