
发布日期:2018-08-31 11:03 本文摘要:英国发现大批化妆品假货,找代购可得小心!Make-up lovers are being tricked into buying fake cosmetics that can cause chemical burns, skin rashes and internal damage.化妆爱好者正被诱骗购买会引起化学灼伤、皮疹和内伤的假冒化妆品。 Counterfeit M

  英国发现大批化妆品假货,找代购可得小心!Make-up lovers are being tricked into buying fake cosmetics that can cause chemical burns, skin rashes and internal damage.化妆爱好者正被诱骗购买会引起化学灼伤、皮疹和内伤的假冒化妆品。

  Counterfeit Mac, Chanel and Benefit products have been found advertised byrogue traders in Cheshire, Lincolnshire and Nottingham.在柴郡、林肯郡和诺丁汉发现诈骗商人在宣传销售仿造的魅可、香奈儿和贝玲妃产品。

  A new report is warning that copycat make-up items sold in some areas containmercury that can have a toxic effect on skin and eyes.一份新的报告警告道,在部分地区销售的仿造化妆品中含有汞,它对皮肤和眼睛有毒性作用。

  Exposure to mercury can be detrimental to peoples health, as it can have toxic effects on the nervous system, digestive and immune systems, lungs, and kidneys.接触到汞会危害人们的健康,因为它会毒害人们的神经系统、消化和免疫系统、肺和肾。

  According to the NHS, at very high levels, lead poisoning can result inhallucinations ,seizures , coma and even death.英国国民医疗服务体系表示,重度铅中毒会引发幻觉、癫痫、昏迷,甚至死亡。

  After the shocking results were laid bare by ITV, the Local Government Association is warning that, as well as defrauding consumers and legitimate businesses, these products can pose serious health risks, including chemical burns and skin rashes.英国独立电视公司揭露了这一令人震惊的事实之后,当地政府机构警告道,这些产品不仅欺骗了消费者和合法经营的企业,还会对健康造成严重威胁,包括化学灼伤和皮疹。

  Counterfeit cosmetic investigations are currently being carried out by several councils across England.目前英国多家市政机构在调查仿造化妆品。

  Councillor Simon Blackburn said:People should always do their research and take a pragmatic approach when they are buying make-up and cosmetics.市议员西蒙·布莱克伯恩表示:“人们在购买化妆品的时候,应该始终做好调查并采取务实的方法。

  Check the reviews of online sellers, and bear in mind that if something is really cheap, its likely to be fake and could potentially be harmful.“查看一下大家对线上卖家的评价,并牢记如果某样东西特别便宜,它很有可能是假货,而且可能有害于健康。

  Anyone who has purchased make up that they think is dangerous should stop using it immediately and report it to their local Trading Standards team.“任何人如果认为自己买到的化妆品有害,都应该立即停止使用,并把它上报给当地贸易标准机构。

  It is vital that people report any concerns, so that councils can take action to prevent anyone being harmed.“人们报告所有的问题很重要,这样市政机构才能采取行动防止任何人受到伤害。”
