
发布日期:2018-08-31 04:23 本文摘要:Do you ever feel like a lazy day on the sofa but fear that you might be wasting away and decide to do something active instead?你是否曾有过这样一种感受:你想着在沙发上懒洋洋地躺一天,但又觉得这是一种浪费,让你考虑着自己是否应该活动一下? W

  Do you ever feel like a lazy day on the sofa but fear that you might be wasting away and decide to do something active instead?你是否曾有过这样一种感受:你想着在沙发上懒洋洋地躺一天,但又觉得这是一种浪费,让你考虑着自己是否应该活动一下?

  Well, think again because new scientific research has found that being lazy is a better way to extend your life.那你现在可能需要重新思考一下,因为新研究发现懒散地生活可以延长寿命。

  Scientists have discovered that species with a higher metabolic rate are more prone to extinction than those which are a little lazier.科学家发现相较于那些代谢率较低的物种而言,那些新陈代谢率高的物种更容易灭绝。

  This research comes courtesy of findings published this week in the Journal of Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Science, which suggested that laziness can equate to a better chance of survival.这篇报道刊在了本周的《皇家学会学报:生物科学》杂志上,该研究称懒惰意味着更大的存活几率。

  By studying molluscs, the team of experts found that species with low energy expenditure survived for a lot longer than those that had higher energy.通过对软体动物的研究,专家们发现热量消耗较小的物种存活得时间更长。

  Luke Strotz, a postdoctoral researcher from the University of Kansas Biodiversity Institute and Natural History Museum, said in a press release: Those that have lower energy maintenance requirements seem more likely to survive than those organisms with a higher metabolic rate.堪萨斯大学生物研究所及生物历史博物馆的博士后研究员卢克·史托斯在一篇新闻稿中称:“那些能量需求较少的生物似乎比需求较高的更容易存活。”

  The scientists are now hoping that they can apply this research in their studies of other species that are at risk of extinction in the hope of maintaining their longevity.如今,科学家们希望能将此研究结果应用到其他濒临灭绝得物种上,以此来延长它们的寿命。

  Although the study does state that there are a number of reasons as to why certain species are more at risk of extinction than others, discovering that metabolism plays a part in survival will help improve the accuracy of determining the probability of extinction.尽管该研究并未表示解释某一物种更容易灭绝的理由有成千上万,将新陈代谢视作物种存活的一部分,这一观点将使得预测某一物种是否有濒危的可能性更加准确。

  In conclusion, the experts add that they will have to examine the connection between metabolism and extinction in other animal groups to understand the sensation further.最后,专家们称为了更好理解这一理论,他们会继续检查这一新陈代谢和物种灭绝的理论在其他物种身上是否适用。

