
发布日期:2018-08-31 19:44 本文摘要:招聘经理:犯了这13个错误将毁了你的面试!(上)After months of searching, your job hunt could soon come to an end. You got through the online application process and aced the phone interview. Now all you have to do is charm the pants off yo

  招聘经理:犯了这13个错误将毁了你的面试!(上)After months of searching, your job hunt could soon come to an end. You got through the online application process and aced the phone interview. Now all you have to do is charm the pants off your potential future boss.经过数月的寻找,你的求职阶段可能很快就会结束。你经过了网上申请程序,顺利通过了电话面试。现在你要做的就是把你未来的老板哄得裤子都掉了。 

   1. Pretending you don’t have any flaws1. 假装你完美无瑕 

  “One of the biggest mistakes I believe most people make through the employment process is refusing to admit that they aren’t perfect. Nobody is perfect; none of my candidates, none of our team members, not even me.“我认为大多数人在求职过程中犯的一个最大的错误,就是不肯承认自己的不完美。没有人是完美的;不管是我的求职者们,还是我们的团队成员,甚至是我自己,都不是完美的。” 

  “When I ask the question, ‘what is your biggest weakness?’ I’m not trying to catch you out by forcing you to reveal your biggest flaws. I’m trying to see if you recognize that you don’t have the answers to everything and find out whether you’re actually willing to be open and honest about it. Dishonesty is a very toxic trait to have in the workplace and by providing a generic response or even one that contradicts something you’ve previously said, red flags are instantly raised.” — Jon Hayes, marketer at Authority Hacker“当我问你‘你最大的弱点是什么?’我不是强迫你暴露自己最大的缺点,以此来抓住你的把柄。我只是想看看你是否意识到你不是万事通,了解你是否真的愿意坦诚面对这个事实。在工作场合,不诚实是一种非常有害的品质。如果你的回答是空泛的,甚至与你之前说过的话相矛盾,那么就会给面试官发出警告讯号。”——Jon Hayes,Authority Hacker的营销人员 

   2. Bad-mouthing your old boss2. 说前任老板的坏话 

  “Talking negatively about previous companies usually does not present well for the interviewee. The interviewer usually can’t judge the objectivity of the story, so they tend to assume the candidate was dealing with a negative attitude, rather than a difficult situation.“说以前的公司的坏话并不适合面试者。”面试官通常无法判断你所说的内容的客观性,所以他们倾向于认为面试者更倾向于应对消极的态度,而不是一种困难的情况。 

  “I have had candidates tell me, ‘It was a mistake going to work there’ or ‘I did not get along with my boss’ or ‘I did not like the company culture’ without explaining more. I recommend sticking to facts and leaving the emotion out of it. For example, say, ‘My manager changed three times over the year and so did my job requirements.’ It makes sense that you would want to leave such a company.” — Miki Feldman Simon, founder of IamBackatWork“有些求职者对我说,‘去那里工作是个错误’,‘我和老板相处不好’,或者‘我不喜欢公司的文化’,但他们没有解释更多。我建议你坚持谈事实,不要感情用事。例如,你可以说,‘我的经理一年换了三次,我的工作要求也换了三次。’这样说的话,你想离开这样一家公司是有道理的。”——Miki Feldman Simon, IamBackatWork公司的创始人 

   3. Not bothering to check out the website 3. 不屑于查看网站 

  “I’ve done a few interviews where the candidates didn’t even look at the website. That’s not an option these days ― it’s a must. I asked for their opinion on the site and a few recommendations, and they stared blankly. I’d say a baseline skill is to come prepared, review the website and have an opinion, even if you’re not the expert!” — Mark Krenn, founder of Coastal Creative“我曾面试过几个求职者,他们几乎都不看网站。对于如今来说,浏览网站已经不是一个可有可无的动作了——这是必须的。我询问他们关于网站的一些意见和建议,他们却茫然地盯着我。我想说的是,前来面试的基本技能就是有所准备,浏览网站和有个人观点,即使你不是专家!”——Mark Krenn,Coastal Creative的创始人 

   4. Forgetting to say ‘thank you’ 4. 忘了说“谢谢” 

  “We had a candidate for an entry-level position who looked great on paper — great cover letter, decent experience. As we went through the hiring process, there were many email exchanges and a few onsite interviews before we presented an offer. The one thing that stuck out during this particular hiring process was that the candidate never showed any signs of gratitude. Email exchanges were absent of a ‘thank you.’ Even after the onsite interviews, the candidate never thanked any of us after a team interview. This weakened the candidate’s consideration for an entry-level role at our agency.” — Amy Hyde, director of operations at Outspoken Media“我们有一个申请初级职位的面试者,他在书面表现很棒——出色的求职信,不错的经验。在我们进行招聘的过程中,有很多电子邮件交流,也有一些现场面试,最后我们才给出了录用通知。在这个特殊的招聘过程中,有一件事特别引人注目,那就是应聘者从来没有表现出任何感激之情。电子邮件交流中没有一句“谢谢”。即使是在现场面试之后,应聘者也从来没有在小组面试后感谢过我们。这让我们对他的任职可能性打了折扣。”——Amy Hyde,Outspoken Media的运营总监 

   5. Having your own personal happy hour 5. 拥有属于你自己的快乐时光 

  “Video interviews are becoming more common, and in my experience, candidates may not take this type of interview seriously ― or remember that they and all their actions are on camera. I interviewed a candidate for a tech position who, halfway through the interview, reached to his right and grabbed a pint of beer. He brought it to his mouth and took a sip before he gave his answer to the question. He was very nonchalant about it.“视像面试越来越普遍,根据我的经验,求职者可能不会认真对待这种类型的面试——或者记住他们和他们的所有行动都在镜头前。”我面试了一位应聘技术职位的求职者,面试进行到一半时,他走到他的右边,抓起一品脱啤酒。他把它拿到嘴边,抿了一口就回答了问题。他对正在面试这件事表现得毫不在乎。 

  “‘Is that a beer?’ I asked. ‘Yes, an IPA,’ he responded.‘这是啤酒吗?’我问。‘是的,是IPA牌的,’他回答。 

  “Sure, the interview was at 4 p.m., but it wasn’t a happy hour interview! The conversation ended shortly after that.” — Alison Daley, founder of Recruiting Innovation“当然,面试是在下午4点。但那不是一个欢乐时光面试!谈话在那之后不久就结束了。——Alison Daley,Recruiting Innovation的创始人 

   6. Negotiating like a rookie6. 像菜鸟一样谈判 

  “One candidate asked the following question during the interview: ‘I know that during my phone call with your HR department I acknowledged that I am OK with the $70,000 salary. But because of my bills and upcoming wedding expenses, it will not be enough for me. Would you consider paying me $85,000 if you decide to hire me?’ “有一位求职者在面试中问了这样一个问题:‘我知道,在与贵公司人力资源部的电话交谈中,我承认我对7万美元的薪水感到满意。但由于我要支付账单以及即将到来的婚礼费用,这个金额对我来说是不够的。如果你决定聘用我,你会考虑付给我8.5万美元吗?’ 

  “This person was fairly young and didn’t know how to negotiate compensation. Ideally, he would have asked for more money upfront or come up with a counteroffer later that didn’t involve his personal reasons for needing a higher salary.” — Sukhjot Basi, CEO of Bank Yogi“这个人相当年轻,不知道如何协商赔偿。理想情况下,他应该先要求更高的薪水金额,然后再给出一个折中的数额,并且不应该涉及他个人需要更高薪水的理由。”——Sukhjot Basi, Bank Yogi首席执行官 

   7. Crossing the line from confidence to arrogance7. 跨越自信,走向傲慢 

  “I interviewed a candidate once who basically wouldn’t let me get a word in edgewise and ask my questions to vet his qualifications and fit. Instead, they dug into me about the company and my personal background, told long stories about all of the great things they had done and concluded the 15-minute interview by asking when they would be starting.“我曾经面试过一位求职者,他基本上不让我插一句话,而是问我一些问题来考察他的资历和适合度。然而适得其反,他提问这些问题只是想要深入了解公司和我的个人背景,展示他的经历帮助他所做过的所有伟大的事情,并在15分钟的采访结束时询问什么时候开始讲述他的故事。 

  “面试结束时,我没有费心去获取任何信息来判断他们的资历。不管应聘者是否自信,他们都必须在面试中假装自信才能获得成功。但当它演变成傲慢时,就会成为交易的破坏者。”——Kris Hughes,网站的资深内容营销经理 
