
发布日期:2018-06-29 20:09 本文摘要:Game of Thrones stars Kit Harington and Rose Leslies highly-anticipated wedding finally has an official dateand its coming up very soon.《权力的游戏》的主演基特哈灵顿和罗斯莱斯利备受期待的婚礼终于定下了正式的日期并且马上就要到了。 The coup

  Game of Thrones stars Kit Harington and Rose Leslies highly-anticipated wedding finally has an official date—and its coming up very soon.《权力的游戏》的主演基特·哈灵顿和罗斯·莱斯利备受期待的婚礼终于定下了正式的日期——并且马上就要到了。

  The couple will wed in less than a month, on June 23, according to a BBC report.据英国广播公司报道,这对夫妇将在一个月内,也就是6月23日结婚。

  Per BBC: A 23 June date has been posted at the Huntly registration office in Aberdeenshire. The actresss father, councillor Seb Leslie, owns a castle in his West Garioch constituency.英国广播公司报道:“6月23日这个日期已经在阿伯丁郡的登记处发布。这位女演员的父亲,议员Seb Leslie,在西加里奥选区拥有一座城堡。“

  Harington and Leslie, who first met in 2012 on the set of hit HBO drama, announced their engagement last fall with an official announcement in the newspaper, which was absolutely adorable and old-fashioned.哈灵顿和莱斯利第一次见面是在2012年HBO的热播剧中,他们在去年秋天宣布了订婚消息。另外,报纸上也正式宣布了这一消息,这是既浪漫又老套。

  As famous couples go, Harington and Leslie are relatively low-key, but they have spoken publicly about their romance on a few occasions.作为著名的情侣,哈灵顿和莱斯利相对低调,但他们也会在一些场合公开谈论过他们的恋情。

  Notably, Harington described falling in love with Leslie on set during a 2016 interview with LUomo Vogue. Because the country is beautiful, because the Northern Lights are magical, and because it was there that I fell in love, he said.值得注意的是,哈灵顿在2016年《时尚》杂志的采访中描述了自己如何爱上了莱斯利,他说:“因为这个国家很美,因为北极光很神奇,因为就在那里,我坠入了爱河。”

  If youre already attracted to someone, and then they play your love interest in the show, it becomes very easy to fall in love.“如果你已经被某个人吸引,然后他们在剧中扮演你的爱人,那么你就很容易爱上对方。”

  Harington also opened up about his less-than-perfect proposal during an appearance on The Jonathan Ross Show in October 2017.在2017年10月的乔纳森·罗斯秀上,哈灵顿也公开讲述了自己不太完美的求婚。

  I did have some plans to do it, I was going to string up some lights in some trees and do all the romantic stuff, but we were in the country and we were under this beautiful night sky and had a log fire burning and red wine and I blew my load early, he said, laughing. Sorry, thats a really bad expression!“这件事,我确实有点计划,我本来打算在树上串一些灯,做些浪漫的事,但是我们在乡下,我们在这美丽的夜空下,有一堆燃烧着的木头和红酒,并且我就提前实施了计划,”他大笑说。“对不起,这是一个非常糟糕的表达!”
