
发布日期:2018-06-12 12:02 本文摘要:初学英语对话口语句型。英语学习贵在掌握好的方法,只有方法对路才能提高英语学习效率,下面大思英语小编为大家带来初学英语对话口语句型这篇内容,希望能够帮助大家轻松提高英语对话。 初学英语对话口语句型 一、Greeting(问候) 1、Good morning! (afternoo





   1、Good morning! (afternoon, evening)

   2、Hello! (Hi)

   3、How do you do

   4、How are you

   5、How are you getting on with your studies

   6、How's everything with you

   7、Did you have a nice holiday(summer vacation)



   1、 This is my friend, Tom..

   2、Let me introduce you to my friend, Tom.

   3、May I introduce myselfI'm Tom.

   4、Please allow me to introduce my friend, Tom.

   5、I'd like you to meet my friend Tom.B.Responses:

   1、How do you doPleased to meet you. (Glad to meet you. Nice tomeet you.)2、It's my pleasure to have this chance to meet you.



   1、It's getting late. I must be going.

   2、It's five o'clock already. I must be off now.

   3、Oh, God, it's late, I've got to go.

   4、It's time I was going, I'm afraid.

   5、I think I must go now.

   6、I think I'd better leave.

   7、I'm glad to have met you.


   1、Come again whenever you are free.

   2、If you pass my home, drop in.

   3、Good night, have a nice dream.

   4、Can't you stay a little longer

   5、I hope we'll meet again sometime.

   四、Asking and Directing the Way(问路和指路)

   A.Asking the way:

   1、Can you tell me the way to the post office

   2、Is this the way to the post office

   3、Excuse me, how can I get to the post office

   4、Which is the nearest way to the post office

   5、Is the post office far from here

   6、How long will it take me to get to the post office

   7、Excuse me, is there a post office near here

   8、Excuse me, does this bus go to the post office


   1、Go ahead till you come to the next crossing.

   2、No, it's not far from here. It's only about ten minutes' walk.

   3、It's about 200 yards down the street.

   4、Take Bus No. 3 and it will take you right there.

   5、Go down the street and take the second turning on the left.

   五、Asking for Time and Date(询问时间与日期)


   1、What time is it now

   2、What's the time by your watch

   3、What day is it today

   4、What is the date today

   5、Is your watch correct


   1、It's ten.

   2、It's Wednesday.

   3、It's October, 8th.

   4、My watch says it's 7:30.

   5、My watch always keeps good time.

   六、Asking about Health(询问健康)


   1、How are you these days

   2、What's wrong with you

   3、Have you seen the doctor

   4、You look tired. What's wrong


   1、I'm not quite myself today.

   2、My stomach hurts

   3、I don't feel like eating anything today.

   4、I've got a bad cold.

   七、Talking about Weather(谈论天气)

   1、It's a fine day, isn't it

   2、What's the temperature today

   3、What's the weather like today

   4、How is the weather

   5、What's the weather going to be like at the weekend

   6、Do you like the weather in Beijing

   7、Do you think that we are going to have snow today




   一、环境熏陶不可少 要想学好英语口语,环境的潜移默化是必不可少的,据伯明汉副总裁stween介绍,英语口语学习其实和我们学习母语的道理是相同的。在学习的过程中,我们需要一个纯正的说英语的氛围,就像我们小时候学说话,正是因为我们周围的人都在说汉语,逐步引导学习,才没那么困难。伯明汉英语口语培训班采取四人小班的浸泡式英语教学,在相对集中的学习时间内只用英语和学员交流沟通,培养学员的语感和听力,建立说英语的自信。 二、零散时间积少成多 俗话说不积小流无以成江海,不积跬步无以至千里,学习英语口语重在时间的积累,每天抽出一点一滴的时间来学习,很好地利用是零碎的时间。比如在等地铁公交的时候,在泡脚的时候等等,这些不起眼的零碎时间不仅可以让我们积少成多地记忆英语单词,短句等等,而且记忆效果也相比会好。同时对于学员来说也是一种比较轻松愉快的学习方式。 三、学习方法至关重要 当然,英语口语学习也需要一定的技巧和学习方法。笔者了解到,在伯明汉英语,所有学员在进行学习之初,都会接受资深外教老师的专业测评,通过测评了解学员的真实情况和英语水平,为学员量身定制学习方案,更有针对性地提升英语口语。同时,采取国际先进教学法分阶段分层次帮助学员进行英语口语的培训,逐步提升英语口语水平。实现轻松快乐学好英语口语的目标。


   一、通过跟读训练的方式 根据自身的英语水平,选借一套有书和磁带的小故事集,配合网络MP3或者是磁带等(注意:一定要有书,故事篇幅不能太长,生词量要小,过于简单没有关系。尽量避免对话和新闻听力材料)。然后进行跟读训练,放一句,暂停,学着人家读一句,然后,放下一句,暂停,再学一句,继续。一定要尽力模仿发音和语调,越像越好,开始时速度可以比较慢,到后来要逐步使自己跟上人家的速度。最后要注意的是,对于自己准备的材料如果有生词的话,不能理解没关系,关键是多模仿,多练习,多提升。 二、通过寻找合适的交流对象来提高口语 尽量多和外教交流,要大胆地说,即使没有把握也要说,很多人在跟外教交流之前都害怕自己发音不准,或者句子结构不对,以至于在开口的时候感到压力很大,很紧张,这种情况下,绝对不可能说出一口流利的英语。建议语言学习者们能够尽量让自己放松,充满自信地和外教交流,单词有误不要紧,句子结构有问题不要紧,只要能够大胆地开口,说出来,这就已经成功了一大半了,剩下的,就是平时多和老师,同学,同事等多交流互动,日积月累,所有语言学习爱好者都会发现一个更棒更自信的自己。 三、严把发音观 无论我们学习的是英式英语还是美式英语都无所谓,选择我们能够驾驭的语言才是最基本的。然而由于客观环境的限制,导致现在大部分人在学习了多年英语后,最终从嘴里发出来的却是中国式英语。所以无论是在课堂还是在课外,无论是和老师互动还是自学模仿,最重要的是严把发音观。英语每一个单词都有自己的念法,我们不能凭空想象。同时渐渐培养自己的语感,在说和产生语感的过程中发音的正确与否起到了至关重要的作用。发音不标准,掌握得再多也没用,因为说出来还是听不懂,好比你能听得懂普通话,而你说的是方言,别人不明白,还是无法沟通。发音的学习是一点捷径都没有的,只能扎扎实实地从发音练起,从细节做起。


   1.Slowing Down放慢语速 First step 第一步: Take a deep breath. Calm yourself down before you start speaking, so that your lungs won't run out of air. 请深呼吸。在说话之前,静下心来。(深呼吸,让你的肺部充满氧气)这样做,会让你在说话的时候,不会因缺氧而停顿。 Distill your thoughts – do not spill them. Take the time to center yourself, and proceed mindfully from there. 精炼语句。但不要漏下该说的。集中精神,然后慎言之。 Second Step 第二步: Articulate your words. Pronounce each syllable individually. Syl-la-ble. 清晰地发出每一个音节。比如你在说Syllable的时候,把这个单词拆成3个音节Syl-la-ble来发。 Take it very slowly, at first, until each sound is clear and distinct. Gradually speed up your speech and decrease the space between words until you are speaking normally. 刚开始的时候慢慢地发每个音节,确保每一个音节是独立、清晰的。然后,逐渐加快语速,同时缩短单词和单词之间停顿的时间,(按照这种方式训练)直到你能以正常语速说英语(精品课)。 Tips: 1.Make sure you actually stop the air for consonants like 't' and 'b'. Differentiate between your vowels. 确保你在两个辅音之间有所停顿,如t和b。同时注意区分元音。 2.Don't expect to speak with perfect clarity right away. You may need to practice this for several hours each day. 这种锻炼方式不会立竿见影,你需要日复一日地坚持练习。 3.Practice when you're alone – in the car, or walking down the street; when cleaning, or knitting. 利用独处的零碎时间练习。比如在车子里或者在街上散步的时候;还可以在打扫卫生、缝纫衣服的时候练口语。
