
发布日期:2018-06-12 10:49 本文摘要:简短的儿童原版英语故事整理。多小朋友都喜欢看童话小故事,家长可以适当的给孩子阅读比较简短的一些有关于童话的英语小故事。快来看看大思英语小编为大家准备了简短的儿童原版英语故事事,欢迎大家阅读! 简短的儿童原版英语故事整理 简短的英文童话小故事:





   Io was the daughter of a rivergod. She was loved,run after and won by Zeus. 伊俄是河神的女儿,宙斯爱她、追求她、并得到了她。 Hera became so green eyed that she flew down from Olympus one day to pay her rival back .Zeus,however,little cow. Seeing through the trick,Hera asked for the cow as a present and Zeus had to give in to her wish .Then she left the cow to the care of a hundred eyed monster,Argus. 赫拉对此嫉妒不已。一天她飞下奥林波斯山向情敌施加报复。然而宙斯早已预见到她的光临,就将伊俄变成了一头美丽的小白牛犊,赫拉看穿了其中的诡计,非要一头牛犊作为礼物。宙斯无奈,只得让她如愿以偿。赫拉便将牛犊托付给百眼魔鬼阿刚斯看管。 Argus' eyes were ever open and no escape was possible. Unable to bear to see her so unhappy,Zeus sent Hermes down to destroy the monster. Dressed up as a shepherd,Hermes lulled Argus to sleep with his sweet songs and long stories,then killed him and set Io free. 阿刚斯的眼睛永远睁着,要想逃脱是不可能的。看到伊俄如此忧郁,宙斯简直无法忍受,便令赫耳墨斯将魔鬼铲除。赫耳墨斯乔装成牧羊人给阿刚斯唱悦耳动听的歌,讲冗长乏味的故事以哄他入睡。之后便寻机杀死魔鬼,释放了伊俄。 over the strait which divides Europe and Asia. In this way the strip of water got its name Bosporus ,the way of the cow. 但赫拉的狂怒并未消除。她派了一只牛虻去攻击牛犊,使她颠沛流离。在十分悲痛之中,牛犊穿越了分隔欧亚大陆的海峡。从此这片狭长的水域被称作博斯普鲁斯海峡,意为牛犊之路。 She wandered over the sea,the end she arrived in Egypt where she was turned back into her natural form .She settled down and gave birth to a son,Some of her children remained in Egypt and ruled as kings for a longtime. 她接着漫游过海,这片大海也就在偶然中有了名称——伊奥尼亚海,最后她到了埃及,并恢复了她本来的体态和容貌。她在那里落户并生了个儿子。她的一些子孙就呆在了埃及,当了很长时间的国王。


   Far out in the sea there was an island,on the rocky edge of which lived three Sirens,the three sisters of magic song. Half human and half bird,the Siren sisters sat in a field of flowers,singing in voices that excited the hearts of men.The attractive songs were so sweet that ships were attracted to the island and struck to pieces on the rocks.No sailor nor ship had ever been known to pass the Island of the Sirens without being attracted to disaster . 遥远的海面上有一岛屿,石崖边居住着唱魔歌的海妖塞壬三姐妹。半人半岛的塞壬姐妹们坐在一片花丛里,唱着盎惑人心的歌,甜美的歌声把过往的船只引向该岛,然后撞上礁石船毁人亡。过往的海员和船只都受到迷惑走向毁灭,无一幸免。 Acting on the advice of Circe,Odysseus took careful preparation against the Sirens.Before their ships came to where they could hear the song,Odysseus had himself tied to the mast ,stopped the ears of his men with wax and ordered them to ignore his orders and gestures xiaogushi8.com when they were passing the fatal island . 奥德修斯遵循女神喀耳斯的忠告。为了对付塞壬姐妹,他采取了谨慎的防备措施。船只还没驶到能听到歌声的地方,奥德修斯就令人把他拴在桅杆上,并吩咐手下用蜡把他们的耳朵塞住。他还告诫他们通过死亡岛时不要理会他的命令和手势。 Soon they came in sight of the rocky island,and the attractive song reached the ears of Odysseus.It moved him so much that he struggled in despair to free himself and shouted for his men to turn towards the rich and flowery grass land of the singing sisters.But no one paid xiaogushi8.com any attention to him.The sailors kept straight on until they were completely out of hearing.Then his friends freed him and took the wax out of their ears.For once the Sirens had sung with no effects.The eldest of the sisters,Partherope,loved Odysseus so much that she threw herself into the sea after his ships had passed. 不久石岛就进入了他们的视线。奥德修斯听到了迷人的歌声。歌声如此令人神往,他绝望地挣扎着要解除束缚,并向随从叫喊着要他们驶向正在繁花茂盛的草地上唱歌的海妖姐妹,但没人理他。海员们驾驶船只一直向前,直到最后再也听不到歌声。这时他们才给奥德修斯松绑,取出他们耳朵中的蜡。这次塞壬海妖们算是白唱了歌。三姐妹中的老大帕耳塞洛珀深深地爱慕着奥德修斯。当他的船只走过后,她就投海自尽了。


   Eros(Cupid ) eros was the god of love ,better known by hislatin name cupid.son of aphrodite by ares ,he took his place among the small gods of olympus. 厄洛斯(丘比特)厄洛斯是爱神,它的拉丁名称丘比特更为人熟知。他是阿瑞斯和阿芙罗狄蒂的儿子,是一位小奥林波斯山神。 he was represented asa little naked boy ,with sparkling wings ,and he carried his bowand arrows wherever he wandered.shooting his thrilling arrows in evils ,he inspired the passion of love and provided all nature with life and power of reproduction. 他的形象是一个裸体的小男孩,有一对闪闪发光的翅膀。他带着弓箭漫游。他恶作剧地射出令人震颤的神箭,唤起爱的激情。给自然界带来生机,授予万物繁衍的能力。 the lovely ,naughty god had two kinds of arrows :the gold tipped arrows used to quicken the pulse of love and the lead tipped ones to palsy it. 这位可爱而又淘气的小精灵有两种神箭:加快爱情产生的金头神箭和中止爱情的铅头神箭。 besides ,he had a torch to light hearts with. though sometimes he was blindfolded ,no man nor god ,zeus himself included ,was safe from his evils. at one time the little naughty god was wounded by his own arrows and such burning love was awakened in him for the human maiden psyche that he disregarded the constant interference of his mother and plucked up his courage to beg zeus for justice. 另外,他还有一束照亮心灵的火炬。尽管有时他被蒙着眼睛,但没有任何人或神,包括宙斯在内,能逃避他的恶作剧。 ea ,daughter of king aeetes ,was wounded by eros'' arrows,took jason''s part in recovering the golden fleece and eventually became the hero''s wife. 有一次这位淘气的精灵被自己的箭射中。对人间少女普赛克炽热的爱在他心中复苏,以致于他不顾他母亲的干预,鼓起勇气让宙斯给予公正评判。 厄洛斯起了重大作用的另一个著名的故事是亚尔古英雄的远征。美狄亚,国王埃厄忒斯的女儿,被厄洛斯的神箭射中,和伊阿宋一起寻觅金羊毛,最后成为这位英雄的妻子。




   Wang Xi-zhi is one of the most famous calligraphers during the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China. When he was very young, he practiced his art every day and never stopped. absorbed the strong points of all the other schools of calligraphy, and developed his own unique style of writing. Because of his achievements, he has been honored as one of China's sages of calligraphy. One time, Wang Xi-zhi sketched in wood for an engraver to cut. Then the engraver found the ink had penetrated one centimeter into the wood. "Ru Mu San Fen" is got from this story, which means the calligraphy is penetrating. Now it is often used to describe expressing sharp ideas or profound views. 王羲之是中国东晋时代一个很有名的书法家,他从小就刻苦练字,从不间断。Later he 以后又吸取了各个不同书法派的优点,形成他自己独特的个性。因为他在书法上的成就,人们都尊称他为中国书法界的圣人。 有一次,王羲之在木板上刻字,后来刻字的人发现墨汁渗入木板有三尺深。 入木三分就是从这个故事中得出来的,用来形容书法有力。 现在多用来比喻分析问题很深刻。

   有教育意义的儿童英文小故事:Dogs That Work

   I have many friends. Some of my friends have dogs that work. My friends,Tim,cannot walk. His dog brings him the newspaper. My friend,Susie,cannot see. Her dog helps her walk to school. My friends,Mr.Kim,is a policeman. His dog helps him catch criminals. My friend,Mr.Park,is a soldier. His dog helps him guard our country. My friend,Mr.Lim,works at the airport. His dog helps him look for drugs and bombs. My friend,Ann,cannot hear. Her dog helps her know when someone knocks. My uncle,Bob,is a dogsled racer. His dogs help him race in a dogsled. I like my friends. I like their working dogs,too! 儿童英语小故事带翻译:工作的狗 我有很多朋友。我的一些朋友有工作的狗。我的朋友,提姆,不能走路。他的狗给他拿报纸。我的朋友,苏茜,看不见。她的狗帮助她去学校。我的朋友,金姆先生,是一个警察。他的狗帮助他抓罪犯。我的朋友,帕克先生,是一个士兵。他的狗帮助他保卫我们的祖国。我的朋友,利姆先生,在机场工作。他的狗帮助他搜索毒品和炸弹。我的朋友,安,听不到。她的狗帮助她知道什么时候有人敲门。我的叔叔,鲍勃,是一个狗雪橇比赛者。他的狗帮助他乘坐狗雪橇赛跑。我喜欢我的朋友们。我也喜欢他们工作的狗!


   A Mountain was once greatly agitated. 有一次,一座大山发生了异动。 While they were assembled in anxious expectation of some terrible calamity, out came a Mouse. 人们都听到了很大的呻吟和喧嚷的声音,于是人群从各处涌来,想看个究竟。他们焦虑地聚集在一起,以为会有可怕的灾难发生,这时跑出来一只老鼠。 Don’t make much ado about nothing. 不要小题大做。
