
发布日期:2018-07-25 11:34 本文摘要:2-4岁儿童英语学习水果,水果在我们生活中是非常常见的,夏天有西瓜、荔枝、奇异果,冬天有草莓等,在平时生活中教小朋友学习水果的英语是会让小朋友记忆比较深刻的,下面大思英语小编为大家整理了一些生活中2-4岁儿童英语学习水果的小方法。 2-4岁儿童英语





   从mango到pear,从apple到orange,我们随处可见的水果总是父母教育幼儿认识生字的楷模。还记得那个风靡的水果忍者(Fruit Ninja)游戏吗?在孩子们大快朵颐的切完水果,爸爸妈妈们可以问一些关于那些水果的问题,从孩子们爱的游戏植入英语知识对孩子更加迅速的识别各种幼儿英语水果名称大有用处~先来看看几个fruit:







   It's yellow.

   People think it's a moon.

   But it's not a moon.

   Peoplethink it's a boat.

   But it's not a boat.

   Monkeys like eating it very much.

   What is the fruit?

   Bingo! It’s banana! 孩子答对了就适当给些奖励~让小朋友不仅能够学有所得,学得开心,并激发它朝下一个难关挺进的欲望。



   红苹果,apple, apple, apple.

   水蜜桃,peach, peach, peach.

   甜橘子,orange, orange, orange.

   香梨子,pear, pear, pear.

   紫葡萄,grape, grape, grape.

   大西瓜,watermelon, watermelon.

   黄香蕉, banana, banana, banana.

   红草莓, strawberry, strawberry.

   Have some fruits. Fruit, fruit是水果。




   Ah-ha, metamorphosis.


   Would someone please explain to me how it ever came to be,That this caterpillar guy turns into a high-flying handsome butterfly?

   How could this very scary thing ever grow a set of wings, That lets him just up and fly, and flitter'round the sky, up so very, very high?

   I'll tell you no secrets.

   I'll tell you no lies.

   A caterpillar flies when he's metamorphosized.

   And I'll tell you no stories and no foolishness.

   Every bit of this is due to metamorphosis.

   Metamorphosis, Metamorphosis.


   Where did he learn to spin his yarn?

   Did he know when he was born.

   That he'd weave his own cocoon, take a warm and cozy swoon, Until nearly, nearly June?

   How does he know and does he care, when he comes back out of there, he has changed dramatically, as different as a bug can be?

   And that's most certainly.

   I'll tell you no secrets.

   I'll tell you no lies.

   A caterpillar flies when he's metamorphosized.

   And I'll tell you no stories and no foolishness.

   Every bit of this is due to metamorphosis.

   Metamorphosis, Metamorphosis,

   Metamorphosis,Metamorphosis,Metamorphosis,Metamorphosis. Metamorphosis.

   Would some one please just demonstrate how this whole thing operates, From the time this bug is hatched right up to the moment that his wings become attached.

   I wish someone would promise me some day I'd get to see, These caterpillar-butterflies strangely metamorphosize, Right before my very eyes.

   I'll tell you no secrets.

   I'll tell you no lies.

   A caterpillar flies when he's metamorphosized.

   And I'll tell you no stories and no foolishness.

   Every bit of this is due to metamorphosis.

   Metamorphosis, Metamorphosis, Metamorphosis, Metamorphosis, Metamorphosis, Metamorphosis!

   pat a cake

   Pat-a-cake,pat-a-cake, baker's man!

   Bake me a cake just as fast as you can.

   Pat it and prick it and mark it with "B."

   Put it in the oven for baby and me,.

   For baby and me, for baby and me.

   Put it in the oven for baby and me.

   Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man!

   Pat-a-cake,pat-a-cake, baker's man!

   Bake me a cake just as fast as you can.

   Pat it and prick it and mark it with "B."

   Put it in the oven for baby and me,.

   For baby and me, for baby and me.

   Put it in the oven for baby and me.

   Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man!


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