
发布日期:2018-12-06 11:14 本文摘要:这4种在家就能做的兼职,哪一个适合你?If youre alive in 2018, youve probably heard of the side hustle. These days, it seems like everybody has one. In fact, if youre a millennial, half of your peers already do.生活在2018年,你可能听说过兼职

  这4种在家就能做的兼职,哪一个适合你?If you’re alive in 2018, you’ve probably heard of the side hustle. These days, it seems like everybody has one. In fact, if you’re a millennial, half of your peers already do.生活在2018年,你可能听说过兼职。现如今,每个人好像都有兼职。其实,如果你是千禧一代,半数你的同龄人中已经在做兼职了。


  And sure, you may only earn a little per month at first. But because these side hustles cost almost nothing to start, the money you rake in will become pure profit.当然,可能你最初每个月赚的钱不多。但是因为做这些兼职几乎不需要成本,所以你赚的钱就会成为纯利润。


  Excited yet? Here are 4n side hustles you can start from your couch.已经心动了吗?这4种兼职,你躺在沙发里都可以做。






  People love to learn new things, and you can profit from packaging your advice, knowledge, or expertise into a sellable product.人们喜欢学习新事物,你可以把自己的建议,知识或技能打包成可销售的产品。


  Are you an expert at getting the best deals at Disneyland? Know how to train pets? Give good dating advice? You can turn those insights into an ebook or course that people will pay for.你是不是很擅长获得迪士尼乐园优惠?知道如何训练宠物吗?有没有好的约会建议?你可以把这些见解转化成电子书或课程来销售。


  With information products, you pay an initial cost to create the resource and the website where it’s hosted, but it costs you nothing to produce extra copies of the book or course for new customers.对于信息产品,你需要支付初始成本来创建资源以及储存资源的网站,而为新客户复制书籍或课程则无需任何费用。


  That means that after you cover the initial costs of creating the product, you’re looking at almost pure profits from each sale.这意味着在投入创建产品的初始成本后,每次的销售所得都基本是纯利润。


  If you create a solid information product and promote it well, it could earn you substantial passive income for years to come.如果你创建了可靠的信息产品,而且推广得很好,今后几年,它能给你带来可观的被动收益。


  For instance, if you sell an ebook about dog training for $10 and get an average of 25 people to buy it every month, you’ll rake in an extra $2,500 per year.例如,如果你以10美元的价格出售一本如何训练狗的电子书,平均每个月有25人购买,那么你每年将有2,500美元的额外收入。


  Or if you build an interactive course teaching men how to talk to women and sell it for $1,000, just one purchase a month will boost your income by $12,000.或者,你创建一门交互式课程,教男人如何与女性交谈,并标价1000美元出售,那么每月只要有一个人购买,一年就可以增加12,000美元的收入。






  A virtual assistant is like a regular assistant, only they connect to the business person online. They’re often hired by the hour, which means you can work as many or few hours per week as you’d like.虚拟助理像常规助理一样,只是他们通过网络同商务人士对接。他们经常按小时收费,这意味着你可以根据自己的意愿安排工作时间,每周多工作或少工作几个小时。


  A virtual assistant can do practically anything, but the work often includes organizing resources and documents, scheduling appointments, taking calls, accounting, research, writing, proofreading, or editing.虚拟助理几乎可以做任何事情,工作内容通常包括整理资源文档、安排约会、接听电话、会计、研究、写作、校对或编辑。


  If you have great attention to detail and would rather work with others than start a business by yourself, this could be a profitable choice for you.如果你非常注重细节,对比自主创业,更愿意与他人合作,这对你来说可能是一个获利颇丰的选择。


  Freelancing websites like Upwork and Fiverr often have job openings for virtual assistants. You can negotiate your own price with the client and clarify your tasks before accepting the job.像Upwork和Fiverr这样的自由职业网站经常为虚拟助理提供就业机会。你可以与客户协商薪酬,在接受工作之前,明确工作任务。


  As a virtual assistant, you can charge between $15 and $60 per hour depending on how much value you’re able to bring to your client.作为虚拟助理,你可以每小时收费15至60美元,根据你为客户带来的价值来定。






  Creating an in-depth resource on a specific niche can be a profitable endeavor.为特定的领域创建深度的资源,是可以源源不断创造价值的。


  The secret to a niche website’s profitability is affiliate marketing and advertising.商机网站的营利秘诀是加盟和广告。


  The website creator writes a number of informative, in-depth articles and product reviews to help readers know which items they should purchase.网站创建者撰写大量信息丰富而有深度的文章和产品评论,帮助读者了解他们应该购买哪些商品。


  As the website’s audience grows over months and years, and more readers begin to purchase items through the website’s affiliate links, the website owner can begin to earn hundreds and even thousands of dollars per month.近年来,随着网站的受众数量的增长,更多读者开始通过网站的外链购买商品,网站所有者每月能赚取数百甚至数千美元。


  The passive income blog Income School expects a well-built niche site to earn an average of 2.5¢ per page view, per month, and bring in an average of 30,000 monthly page views by the end of the first year.据被动收入博客Income School预测,一个精心打造的商机网站页面被浏览一次,平均一个月就可以获利2.5美分,第一年末的每月平均页面浏览量可达到30,000次。


  A niche website with thousands of monthly page views will also often receive five- and six-figure bids from investors.每月有数千页面浏览量的商机网站也经常会吸引投资者,拿到五位或六位数的出价。




  4. TRANSLATE4.翻译


  Parlez-vous francais? Or Spanish, Japanese, or Arabic? If you speak a second language, you could get paid to translate from your second language into your native language.你讲法语吗?或者西班牙语、日语或阿拉伯语?如果你能说第二门语言,就可以通过把第二语言翻译成母语来赚钱。


  To find translation jobs, try online freelancing platforms made specially for translation, like Gengo and Unbabel. Or post your profile on ProZ, where clients search for translators and post translation jobs on the site-wide job board.要找翻译工作,可以在专门为翻译设计的在线自由职业平台上试试,比如Gengo和Unbabel。或者把你个人资料发布在ProZ上,客户会在网站的工作板面上寻找翻译或发布翻译岗位。


翻译 : Claire