
发布日期:2018-12-05 20:15 本文摘要:The 41st president of the United States, George HW Bush, has died at the age of 94.美国第41任总统,乔治HW布什去世,享年94岁。 The Second World War hero, who also presided during the collapse of the Soviet Union and the final months of the

  The 41st president of the United States, George HW Bush, has died at the age of 94.美国第41任总统,乔治HW布什去世,享年94岁。


  The Second World War hero, who also presided during the collapse of the Soviet Union and the final months of the Cold War, died shortly after 10pm on Friday, family spokesman Jim McGrath said. 老布什是二战的英雄,他在任期内经历了苏联的瓦解和冷战的最后几个月。据其家庭发言人Jim McGrath称,在周五的早上10点他离世了。


  His wife of more than 70 years, Barbara Bush, died in April.和他共同生活70多年的妻子芭芭拉布什在4月份去世。



  Mr Bushs son, George W Bush, described his father as a “man of the highest character and the best dad a son or daughter could ask for”.老布什的儿子,乔治布什将其父描述成,“品格高尚的人,世上儿女所能求得的最好的父亲。”


  In a statement, he added: “The entire Bush family is deeply grateful for 41s life and love, for the compassion of those who have cared and prayed for Dad, and for the condolences of our friends and fellow citizens.”在陈述中,他还补充道:“布什家族感谢他一生的奉献和他给予的爱,也感谢那些关心和为我们的父亲祈祷的人,感谢朋友们和同胞们的慰问。”


  The former president served from 1989 to 1993, and eight years later watched his son George W became the 43rd president – only the second father-and-son chief executives, following John Adams and John Quincy Adams.这位总统的任期从1989年到1993年,8年以后看着自己的儿子出任第43届总统,这样父子轮流当总统是在John Adams 和 John Quincy Adams之后的第二例。


  The elder Mr Bush, the son of a senator, rose through the political ranks: from congressman to UN ambassador, Republican Party chairman to envoy to China, CIA director to two-term vice president under the hugely popular Ronald Reagan.老布什是参议院之子,他的仕途从国会议员到联合国大使,共和党主席,到中国参赞,中央情报局局长,到众望所归的里根总统领导下的两任副主席。


  He entered the White House in 1989 with a reputation as a man of indecision and indeterminate views.他从1989年进入白宫以后就有了优柔寡断的名声。


  The Iraq crisis of 1990-91 brought out all the skills he had honed in a quarter-century of politics and public service.1990到1991年的伊拉克危机,让他展示了25年政治生涯中磨练过的所有的政治公关技能。


  The other battles he fought as president, including a war on drugs and a crusade to make American children the best educated in the world, were not so decisively won.作为总统他还向毒品发起过战争,为了美国孩子能够接受世界上最好的教育做出努力,虽然都没有完全取得胜利。


  Paying tribute to Mr Bush, current US president Donald Trump praised his “sound judgment, common sense and unflappable leadership”.为了向布什致敬,美国现任总统唐纳德川普称赞他具有:“稳健的判断、具备常识和镇定的领导能力。”


  In a joint statement with wife Melania, he added: “Through his essential authenticity, disarming wit, and unwavering commitment to faith, family and country, President Bush inspired generations of his fellow Americans to public service – to be, in his words, “a thousand points of light” illuminating the greatness, hope and opportunity of America to the world. 在和妻子梅兰妮娅共同发表的讲话中,川普补充道:“他的洁身自好,不做任何投机取巧,以及对于信仰和家庭还有国家矢志不渝的承诺,布什总统激励了一代又一代美国民众投身公共服务,用他自己的话来讲,一千道点亮了美国伟大、希望,前美国总统老布什去世!享年94岁契机,这样的光从美国辐射向世界。’