
发布日期:2018-06-26 13:56 本文摘要:长沙励步英语培训最新资讯:在英国,人们喜欢而且经常谈论天气,但不要被这个常见的短语所愚弄。如果有人说他们感觉不舒服 theyre feeling under the weather ,你的回答应该是我希望你感觉好些! I hope you feel better!而不是你想借我的伞吗 Would you lik

  长沙励步英语培训最新资讯:在英国,人们喜欢而且经常谈论天气,但不要被这个常见的短语所愚弄。如果有人说他们感觉不舒服 they're feeling under the weather ,你的回答应该是"我希望你感觉好些! I hope you feel better!"而不是"你想借我的伞吗 Would you like to borrow my umbrella?"。


  1. 用作连系动词,其后可接名词、形容词、过去分词等作表语。如:

  He became a teacher at (the age of) 18. 他18岁就当了老师。

  The weather became warmer. 天气变得暖和起来。

  Soon the room became crowded. 不一会儿房里就挤满了人。

  注意:其后接过去分词时,可表示被动或结果;但表示被动时,其后一般不接 by短语。比如不说 Soon the room became crowded by students.

  2. become 是终止性动词,因此要表示“成为…有多长时间”,英语不能将become与表示一段时间的词或短语连用。如:


  正:He became a teacher ten years ago.

  正:It’s ten years since he became a teacher.

  正:He has been a teacher for ten years.

  误:He has become a teacher for ten years.

  3. become 之后一般不接不定式表示“逐渐…” (此时可用 come, begin+不定式)。如:

  正:He began [came] to like English. 他开始喜欢英语起来。

  误:He became to like English.

  正:He became ill yesterday. 他昨天病了。

  误:He became to be ill yesterday.

  4. 用于习语 become of, 表示“发生”、“遭遇”等 (常与 what连用)。如:

  What has become of the girl?这个女孩后来怎样了?

  I don’t know what will become of me if I fail this time. 要是我这次不成功,我不知我会怎么样。


  1. a big fish 大人物

  In the city I was nothing, but in the country I was considered a big fish.


  2. a piece of cake 小菜一碟

  For him, the work is a piece of cake.


  3. Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。

  4. add insult to injury 伤口上撒盐,落井下石,become词汇与哪些词不能连用?火上浇油,雪上加霜

  My car barely started this morning, and to add insult to injury, I got a flat tire in the driveway.


  5. all ears 洗耳恭听

  If you have a good idea for improving my pronunciation, I'm all ears.


  6. be down-to-earth 脚踏实地

  People should be down-to-earth, instead of being over-ambitious.


  7. beat around the bush 旁敲侧击,兜圈子,拐弯抹角

  Don't beat around the bush! Tell me exactly what Jack said.


  8. bed of roses 称心如意的生活

  Life is not a bed of roses, but please treasure it and enjoy it.


  9. best of both worlds 两全其美

  The house combines country surroundings with city convenience, so having the best of both worlds.


  10. big time 非常; 很; 大大地

  And you owe me big time!


  11. bite off more than one can chew 贪多嚼不烂,心有余而力不足,好高骛远

  One can't bite off more than one can chew in reading or doing any work.


  12. boss around 颐指气使

  I heard that he loves to boss people around.


  13. call it a day 收工

  Let's call it a day and go to the movies.


  14. cat nap 打瞌睡

  I try to take a little cat nap every Sunday afternoon.


  15. come easily 易如反掌

  Languages come easily to some people.


  16. cool it 冷静一点

  Stop fighting, you boys! Now cool it!


  17. couch potato 花大量时间看电视的人,电视迷

  I like being a couch potato!


  18. cry over spilt milk 后悔莫及

  Do not cry over spilt milk!


  19. get with it 适应;赶上时髦,跟上潮流

  Come on, do the latest dance, get with it!


  20. Give it a shot! 试试看!

  Give it a shot! I got faith in you.


  21. go places (在社会上等)成功; 有成就

  Once I'm qualified in my profession, I intend to go places.


  22. go the extra mile 多付出代价; 多努力一点

  He's always willing to go the extra mile for his friends.


  23. go up in smoke 成为泡影,化为乌有

  Whe he crashed his car, all his travel plans went up in smoke.


  24. jump the gun 草率行事


  25. Got you! (骗、吓)到你了吧!
