
发布日期:2018-07-03 12:44 本文摘要:摘要:2018年6月30日场的雅思大作文范文已出,本期雅思大作文题目是:An increasing number of people are changing careers during their working life.背后的原因是什么,年轻人频繁跳槽对社会来说是积极的还是消极的呢?一起来看看本期的写作范文及解析吧

  摘要:2018年6月30日场的雅思大作文范文已出,本期雅思大作文题目是:An increasing number of people are changing careers during their working life.背后的原因是什么,年轻人频繁跳槽对社会来说是积极的还是消极的呢?一起来看看本期的写作范文及解析吧。

   2018年6月最后一场雅思考试已经结束,本期雅思写作的大作文解析及范文已出。本期雅思写作题目似曾相识?是的,这题不久前的6月7日才考过。题目是:An increasing number of people are changing careers during their working life.What do you think are the reasons of this? Is it a positive or negative development for society?莫非是雅思写作考官弄糊涂了?不管如何,一起来看看本期的雅思写作作文范文解析吧。










   With the global economy in a state of unabated turbulence,recent years have seen a surge in the number of habitual job hoppers. However, changing occupations for employers may attribute to a range of factors nowadays. From myperspective, the deleterious impacts on society caused by Job-hopping outweigh its positives.

   Career transitions stem from a variety of contributing factors. Firstly, the novelty and passion for a comfortable working life,more often than not,can be soon get worn off,thus the majority of employers give priority to changing careers that is regarded as the most effective andefficient approach to promote job satisfaction. In addition, for the universality of our country higher education and prohibitive cost of receiving further education, a growing number of employees with decent academic backgrounds expect to switch to a highly-paid job with promising future to offset the vast investment in education. Moreover,the trend may also involve the recognition that for most of the adventurous white collars, to switch jobs can be also considered as a shortcut to gain better personal resources to draw on.

   Undeniably, changing occupations does contribute to the social mobility and optimize reasonable deployment of labor force resources. when employees fully apply their expertise accumulated from study and daily life into work, they can achieve higher social productivity. However, I perceive that this phenomenon does more harm than good,as job hopping can also raise the social crisis of confidence. Specifically, being afraid of high risk of divulging the confidentialinformation, hardly do companies trust employees and invest better vocational training in them;this is all simply triggered by the career transitions that have already labelled those job hoppers as lazy or unreliable.

   In conclusion, a wide range of contributors are closely associated with job hopping;however,given the adverse effects on society escalating as a whole ,I reckon shifting to other job posts regularly to be a negative practice.

   范文原创自小站老师 江鹏(Daniel.Jiang)

   字数 325words


   in a state of unabated turbulence 经济环境不稳定

   habitual job hoppers 惯性跳槽者

   deleterious impacts 不利影响

   the novelty and passion for work 对工作的新鲜感

   employee satisfaction 员工满意度

   highly-paid jobs 高薪的工作

   give priority to 优先考虑

   jobs with promising future 有前途的工作

   the universality of our country higher education 高等教育的普遍性

   prohibitive cost of receiving further education 接受高等教育的高成本

   Divulging confidential information 泄露机密

   job-hopping 跳槽

   reasonable deployment of labor force resources 优化人力资源的社会配比

   raise the social crisis of confidence 增加社会信任危机

   vocational training 职业培训


   demerits caused by……. 分词后置定语现象

   employees fully apply their expertise accumulated from v-ed非谓语结构限定

   may attribute to a range of factors nowadays 原因替换句型

   the deleterious impacts on society caused by Job-hopping outweigh its positives. xxxx outweigh its positives.


   Being….,hardly do /can… 倒装+分词状语修饰

   Reckon sth to be sth 宾语补足语

   Given the undesirable effects on society escalating as a whole 分词做原因状语

   以上就是2018年6月30日的雅思大作文真题范文,更多雅思写作范文及考试资讯,请关注小站雅思频道。 2018年6月30日雅思大作文范文:年轻人频跳槽为哪般