
发布日期:2019-03-15 16:44 本文摘要:Elon Musk knows that getting to Mars wont be a walk in the park but he says youll at least be able to walk in a park after you get there.埃隆马斯克知道去火星可不像在公园里散步那么容易,不过他说在公园散步是你到达火星之后能做的最基本的事情之

  Elon Musk knows that getting to Mars won’t be a walk in the park — but he says you’ll at least be able to walk in a park after you get there.埃隆·马斯克知道去火星可不像在公园里散步那么容易,不过他说“在公园散步”是你到达火星之后能做的最基本的事情之一。


  That’s the latest vision of potential life on Mars from the billionaire CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, who has plans to transport humans to the distant planet by 2024.这是这位特斯拉和SpaceX公司身价百亿的CEO对于火星生活的最新畅想,他立志要在2024年把人类送到这个遥远星球。


  Musk, who has said there’s even a good chance he’ll eventually move to Mars himself, said in an interview with Popular Mechanics this week that a future Mars base could include parks to help create “an outdoorsy, fun atmosphere” on the arid planet.马斯克认为自己有生之年或许能够移居到火星去,他在本周接受Popular Mechanics采访时称,在未来的火星基地上建造公园能够帮助在这个干旱的星球上创造一个户外、欢乐的气氛。





  Musk has said that his goal is for SpaceX to send its first unmanned rocket to Mars by 2022, and that rockets carrying both crew and cargo could potentially reach the planet just two years after that.马斯克称SpaceX的目标就是在2022年发射第一架未命名火箭去火星,两年之后就可能带着船员和货物去。


  While discussing the logistics of colonizing Mars, including building human-friendly living spaces, Musk told Popular Mechanics that food could be grown on solar-powered hydroponic farms located either underground or in an enclosed structure.在谈到殖民火星的物流时,除了适合居住的空间以外,他还告诉Popular Mechanics食物能够在地下或者是封闭结构的太阳能水耕场生长。


  “Earth hydroponics will work fine,” Musk says in the interview, referring to the process of growing plants in water instead of soil.马斯克提到这些植物会用水培代替土壤,马克思在采访中称:“地球式的水耕绝对没有问题。”


  A future Mars colony could even create a taste of home by building enclosed glass domes with plant life inside, where humans could walk around without space-suits, much like a park on Earth.未来的火星殖民地上,甚至会造出内置有植物生命的封闭玻璃穹顶,人类可以不穿太空服在里面行走,很像地球上的公园。



