
发布日期:2018-12-28 16:35 本文摘要:The mum-of-three posted the adorable snaps, taken at the familys Christmas party, but was inundated with questions about her feet.三个孩子的妈妈卡戴珊在网上发布了她们一家在家庭的圣诞派对上拍的合照,但网友都在关注她的脚。 Its not likely Kim

  The mum-of-three posted the adorable snaps, taken at the familys Christmas party, but was inundated with questions about her feet.三个孩子的妈妈卡戴珊在网上发布了她们一家在家庭的圣诞派对上拍的合照,但网友都在关注她的脚。


  Its not likely Kim, 38, would have expected the fuss over her toe – which fans said they couldnt take their eyes off.38岁的卡戴珊根本不会想到网友会对她的脚趾大惊小怪 - 粉丝们说他们不能把目光从她的脚移开。


  She beamed as she posed for the pictures alongside her husband Kanye West, 41, and their children, North, five, Saint, three, and 11-month-old Chicago.她与她的丈夫,41岁的坎爷和他们的孩子,North,Five,Saint,Three,和十一个月大的Chicago一起拍照留念。



  But while some of her followers did compliment Kim on her beautiful family, many only had questions about her toe.但是,虽然她的一些粉丝赞美卡戴珊幸福的家庭,许多人却对她的脚趾有疑问。


  One posted: “Can we get Kim some shoes that fit her big toe plz?”一个网友写道:“我们能做个合适凯戴珊大脚趾的鞋子吗?”


  Another joked: “Kims toes.... ready to jump!”另一个人开玩笑说:“卡戴珊的脚趾已经准备好跳了!”



  While another rudely asked: “With all your money you could of bought shoes that fit them toes Kim!”而另一个网友粗鲁的说道:“你那么有钱,总该买双适合自己脚趾的鞋子吧!”


  However, stars bulging toe wasnt the only point of concern for fans, who were quick to notice daughter Norths make-up.然而,卡戴珊突出的脚趾并不是粉丝的唯一关注点,他们很快就会注意到她的女儿North化了妆。


  Fans have slammed her mum for letting the five-year-old wear lipstick and straighten her hair for the festive snaps.粉丝们抨击她的妈妈让这个五岁的孩子为了节日涂口红拉直头发。

