
发布日期:2018-12-28 16:35 本文摘要:For the lyrics-relatedapology , Lil Pump has addressed the criticism surrounding this line on his recently Butterfly Doors track: They call me Yao Ming cos my eyes real low.最近,里尔帕姆普在他的新歌Butterfly Doors(《蝴蝶门》)中写下了这

  For the lyrics-relatedapology , Lil Pump has addressed the criticism surrounding this line on his recently Butterfly Doors track: They call me Yao Ming cos my eyes real low.最近,里尔·帕姆普在他的新歌“Butterfly Doors”(《蝴蝶门》)中写下了这样一句歌词:“They call me Yao Ming cos my eyes real low”(他们叫我姚明,因为我眼睛很小)而备受指责。为此,他发文表示歉意。


  I came here to tell you guys that I seen the whole thing going on on the internet and all that and I came here to tell you for my part that Im sorry and I apologize for posting that, Pump said to fans on Instagram Tuesday.“我在此告诉大家,我注意到了网络上讨论的整件事情。就我而言,我很抱歉,我为发表那样的言论道歉,”星期二帕姆普通过Ins对粉丝们说道。



  It was not my intention to hurt nobody. I got Asian homies, you know. I aint got nothing against nobody. Its all love. I want everybody to have a merry Christmas.“我无意伤害任何人。你知道的,我也有亚裔朋友。我并未打算与任何人起冲突。我们要相亲相爱。祝所有人圣诞快乐。”


  Pump had become the subject of several disses in recent days, including from Li Yijie.这几天帕姆普成为众人贬低的对象,这其中就包括李毅杰。


  Not only were the lyricsinsulting , he made the face gesture, the whole package, the artist said. It means that he understood what it meant—understood that it is discriminatory language.“不仅仅是他的歌词,他的面部表情,以及所有的一切都冒犯了大家,”李毅杰说道。“这说明他明白那句歌词的含义,知道那是歧视性的语言。”

