
发布日期:2018-11-07 08:50 本文摘要:Employees are quitting their jobsoften.员工经常会辞职。 In a survey of HR managers, 83% said the way someone quits affects their future career opportunities.在一项针对人力资源经理的调查中,83%的人表示,员工辞职的方式会影响他们未来的职业发



  Employees are quitting their jobs—often.员工经常会辞职。


  In a survey of HR managers, 83% said the way someone quits affects their future career opportunities.在一项针对人力资源经理的调查中,83%的人表示,员工辞职的方式会影响他们未来的职业发展。


  In todays connected world, the way you quit your job could follow you for years to come. So, if youre getting ready to leave, take these steps to part ways in the best possible way.当今世界联系如此紧密,你选择辞职的方式或许会在未来几年影响你的发展。因此,如果你准备离职,请采用以下步骤和老东家和平地分道扬镳。




  First: Follow Protocol第一,遵循协议


  The first step is to get the housekeeping details right.第一步是正确处理公司内务上的细节。


  Schedule time with your supervisor to break the news.与主管安排好时间,通知他这一消息。


  And be careful of the office grapevine—you never know who will inadvertently or otherwise share your news if you disclose it to them before you formally give notice.并且要谨防办公室流言。如果你在正式发出通知之前跟同事透露过,你永远不会知道谁会无意中就说漏嘴了。


  Its best to have key conversations face-to-face, but the company culture as well as the location of your supervisor and coworkers will also be determining factors in how you relay the news.最好是面对面交谈,不过话说回来,公司文化以及主管和同事所在的位置也将决定你通知他们的方式。


  As you plan your exit, make sure you meet all exit notice, confidentiality, non-compete and other guidelines that are required.在计划离职时,请确保满足所有离职通知、保密、非竞争性对手和其他所需准则。


  Plan to give proper notice, which may be more than two weeks, depending on the seniority of your position.适当提前告知,可能需要给公司超过两周的反应时间,具体取决于你所在职位的资历。提出离职,你还要为老东家做这六件事




  Second: Make Your “Why” Future-Focused第二,你的离职原因应该以未来为中心


  Your supervisor is likely going to ask why youre leaving.你的主管很可能会问你为什么要离职。


  Make sure you have a clear, compelling, and comprehensive response, and that it is focused on the growth and potential in the new opportunity–that it is about moving toward something new and not running away from something here.确保你有一个清晰,足以说服人并且面面俱到的回答,告诉对方你在意的是新机会带给你的增长和潜力,你选择迎接新事物而不是逃离旧公司。


  Those reasons may include taking on a bigger role, learning new skills, getting to work in a new industry or discipline, relocation, or others.这些原因可能包括承担更大的角色、学习新技能、开始在新的行业或领域中工作、搬家等等。


  Whatever the reason, list your reasons for leaving as opportunity-focused and aspirational.无论出于什么原因,请把你离职的原因集中在机遇上,同时可以展示你的个人抱负。


  After all, its easy to accept and support the fact that someone wants to leave for a new opportunity.毕竟,人们倾向于接受并支持他人为新的机遇而选择离开。




  Third: Think Twice About Counteroffers第三,面对加薪挽留要三思


  If that counteroffer materializes, consider carefully before accepting it.如果老板提出加薪条件挽留你,请在接受之前仔细考虑。


  58% of employers extend counteroffers, the average employee who accepts them stays less than two years.58%的雇主会通过加薪的方式挽留员工,接受挽留的员工平均不到两年内还是会离开。


  So its not a great long-term retention strategy.所以说这并不是一个很好的长期挽留策略。


  But the offer may give you the opportunity to depart with the possibility of returning to the company at some point, if you wish to do so.但是如果你愿意的话,主管这么挽留你,可能意味着哪天你还有机会回到这家公司。




  Four: Be Thorough And Thoughtful During The Transition第四,过渡交接要彻底并周到


  Your departure is likely going to affect more people than you realize, including your coworkers, management team, and others.你的离开可能会影响很多人,包括同事,管理团队等等。


  Try to make the move as easy on them as possible to maintain good relationships.尝试尽可能不对他们产生困扰,从而保持良好的人际关系。


  Go above and beyond in your transition process—make sure all outstanding deliverables and responsibilities are effectively transitioned, and ensure all important documents are available to those who need them most.不只是简单的交接,你要确保所有未完成的可交付成果和职责得​​到有效交接,所有重要文件都交到最需要的人手里。


  Also, consider giving key people the license to call you even after you have left the company for any important follow-up questions.此外,在你离开公司后,出现任何重要的后续问题,也要允许相关人员给你打电话咨询。




  Fifth: Be Measured In Your Feedback第五,合理提出对公司的反馈


  Now isnt the time to deliver a detailed critique of all the things the company does wrong in your opinion, especially if you havent done that in previous conversations, one-on-one.现在不是你对你认为公司做错的所有事情进行详细批评的时候,特别是如果你在以前的一对一谈话中没有这么做。


  If you have constructive criticism or suggestions that could help the company, share them in a positive, helpful way.如果你有建设性的批评意见或建议可以帮助到公司,请以积极有益的方式分享。


  But saving up your negative criticism or complaints for when youre giving notice or having your exit interview usually isnt helpful, especially if the information is new to the employer.但是,当你发出离职通知或进行离职面谈时,倾泻你的负面批评或投诉通常是没有用的,特别是如果这些信息对你的雇主来说是头一回听说。




  Sixth: Maintain Your Network第六,维护人际关系


  Connect on LinkedIn or trade contact information with coworkers and supervisors to have a method to stay in touch.通过领英联系同事,或者与同事和主管交换联系方式。


  That way, youll be able to keep in touch and stay abreast of their career changes.这样,你就可以同他们保持联系并及时了解他们的职业变化。


  You never know when youre going to cross paths with someone again.你永远不知道什么时候与某人会再有交集。


  Building and maintaining your network can be an exercise that pays off down the road.建立和维护你的人际关系网是一种可以给你带来回报的行为。



