
发布日期:2018-07-11 18:12 本文摘要:Orlando Bloom may be best known for his role as Will Turner in the Pirates of the Caribbean film franchise, but the actor has his sights set on the Marvel Cinematic Universe, too, as none other than Captain Britain.奥兰多布鲁姆最为出名的角

  Orlando Bloom may be best known for his role as Will Turner in the Pirates of the Caribbean film franchise, but the actor has his sights set on the Marvel Cinematic Universe, too, as none other than Captain Britain.奥兰多·布鲁姆最为出名的角色也许是《加勒比海盗》系列电影中的威尔·特纳,但这位演员已经把目光锁定在了漫威电影宇宙,不是别的,正是英国队长。

  In a recent interview with BBC Radio 2, Bloom chatted about the huge success of the Pirates franchise and the conversation turned to other, large-scale movie worlds -- specifically Marvel.布鲁姆最近接受英国广播节目第二频道采访时谈及了《加勒比海盗》系列的巨大成功,然后转而讨论起了大规模电影世界——特别是漫威电影。

  The actor revealed that, as a comics fan, he wouldnt mind a turn as Captain Britain even if he wasnt quite sure how it would play out.这位演员透露,自己作为漫画迷,即使不确定电影效果如何,也不会介意变成英国队长。

  I do read [Marvel Comics] a little bit, Bloom said. Whos the British one? Captain Britain! There you go. Terrible costume, though. And youve also got Captain America so what you going to do? Captain Britain versus Captain America?”“我确实看过一点漫威漫画,”布鲁姆说。“英国的那个超级英雄是谁来着?英国队长!就是这个,虽然制服很糟糕。而且还有美国队长,那会怎么拍呢?英国队长对抗美国队长?”

  Captain America versus Captain Britain would be a somewhat unlikely story -- Steve Rogers does kind of have his hands full with Thanos having snapped his fingers and wiped out half of the life in the universe after all -- but that doesnt mean theres not plenty for Captain Britain to do.英国队长打美国队长是不大可能的——史蒂夫·罗杰斯正忙着对付打了响指灭掉了宇宙中一半生命的灭霸——但这并不代表英国队长无事可做。

  The character may be less known to American audiences, but he has had plenty of adventures since his debut as part of the United Kingdoms branch of Marvel in 1976.这个角色对美国观众来说也许没那么出名,但是从1976年他作为漫威英国分支初次亮相之后,他已经拥有了丰富的冒险经历。

  In comics, Captain Britain is the alter ego of Brian Braddock, a man given the chance to be a superhero by Merlyn and his daughter, Roma, after a near-fatal accident.漫画里,英国队长是布莱恩·布拉多克的另一自我,他在一次几乎致命的事故之后被梅林和他的女儿罗玛所救成为了超级英雄。
