
发布日期:2018-07-04 08:18 本文摘要:On Sunday afternoon, Kate Middleton wore a $69.90 blue summer dress from budget retailer Zara. By Sunday evening, the dress was sold out.周日下午,凯特穿着一件平价品牌Zara的连衣裙,价值69.9美金(约合人民币450元)。周日晚上,这条裙就脱销了

  On Sunday afternoon, Kate Middleton wore a $69.90 blue summer dress from budget retailer Zara. By Sunday evening, the dress was sold out.周日下午,凯特穿着一件平价品牌Zara的连衣裙,价值69.9美金(约合人民币450元)。周日晚上,这条裙就脱销了。

  Several fans lamented on Twitter about not being able to buy the highly-coveted garment.好几个粉丝在推特上抱怨没有买到这条需求度很大的连衣裙。

  Though true fans should not be surprised that an outfit Middleton wore instantly sold out. The “Kate effect, as it has been called, is not uncommon to the Duchess of Cambridge – for whom the phenomenon is named.不过凯特的忠粉们对凯特穿过的衣服会成为爆款一事并没有什么大惊小怪。这就是所谓的“凯特效应”,对于剑桥公爵夫人来说算不上什么稀奇事。

  The mom of three wore the blue and white striped mid-length dress while she was on an outing with her two older children, Prince George and Princess Charlotte, to watch Prince William compete for the Maserati Royal Charity Polo Trophy at the Beaufort Polo Club.这位三个孩子的母亲带着两个较大孩子出游,身穿长度中等蓝白条连衣裙的她,在保佛马球俱乐部(Beaufort Polo Club)出席玛莎拉蒂皇家慈善马球杯比赛(Maserati Royal Charity Polo Trophy Match)。

  Though Middleton was praised for her fashion sense – the mom was ridiculed on Twitter for allowing her son, Prince George, to play with a toy gun during the outing.凯特的时尚感为人称道,但是她在出游的时候允许乔治玩玩具枪在推特上引起了不小的波澜。

  Her sister-in-law Meghan Markle also experienced some Twitter backlash over the weekend for wearing an off-the-shoulder blush dress to the Queens birthday parade.同病相怜的是,她的妯娌梅根马克尔也因周末穿着一件一字肩连衣群出席女王生日游行而收到诟病。

