听歌学口语:All These Years,你依然是我的心之所向

发布日期:2018-07-04 08:18 本文摘要:Camila Cabello,昵称卡妹,1997年出生于古巴东哈瓦那(Havana),是美国的女子组合五美(Fifth Harmony)中的一员 ,2016年12月19日她退出Fifth Harmony单飞。退团之后的卡妹发展的风生水起,2017年一举拿下了Billboard音乐奖、MTV欧洲音乐奖、青少年选择奖


Camila Cabello,昵称“卡妹”,1997年出生于古巴东哈瓦那(Havana),是美国的女子组合五美(Fifth Harmony)中的一员 ,2016年12月19日她退出Fifth Harmony单飞。退团之后的卡妹发展的风生水起,2017年一举拿下了Billboard音乐奖、MTV欧洲音乐奖、青少年选择奖等17座国际大奖。性感的嗓音,独特的拉丁音乐风格,让卡妹成为了2017年最惊艳的女声!这首《All These Years》和浓郁的古巴风情歌曲《Havana》完全不一样,卡妹细腻的声音唱出了绵延多年的思念和淡淡忧伤。戳链接听歌:All These Years。






  Your hairs grown a little longer你的头发长长了些



  Your arms look a little stronger你的胳膊更壮了些



  Your eyes just as I remember (oh)你的眼睛和我记忆中的一样



  Your smiles just a little softer你的笑容更温柔了些



  And I, I never prepared for a moment like that我未曾准备遇见这样的时刻



  Yeah, suddenly, it all came back, it all came back但是弹指间一切都重新来过





  Cause after all these years这么多年过去了 



  I still feel everything when you are near当你靠近我依然情难自持



  And it was just a quick Hello, and you had to go你只是亲声问好转身离开



  And you probably will never know你或许永远都不会知道



  Youre still the one Im after all these years绵长岁月里你依然是我的心之所向





  Cause after all these years这么多年过去了 



  I still feel everything when you are near当你靠近我依然情难自持



  And it was just a quick Hello, and you had to go你只是亲声问好转身离开



  And you probably will never know你或许永远都不会知道



  Youre still the one Im after all these years绵长岁月里你依然是我的心之所向





  Couldnt help, but overhear you无意中听到了你的话



  Sounds like youre happy with her听起来你跟她在一起很开心



  But does she kiss you like I kissed you?但是她会像曾经的我一样吻你吗



  Ooh, I wish I loved you like I miss you多么希望当初的我能把现在的思念化为浓浓爱意





  And I, I never prepared for a moment like that我未曾准备遇见这样的时刻



  Yeah, suddenly, it all came back, it all came back但是弹指间一切都重新来过



  Cause after all these years这么多年过去了 



  I still feel everything when you are near当你靠近我依然情难自持



  And it was just a quick Hello, and you had to go你只是亲声问好转身离开



  And you probably will never know你或许永远都不会知道



  Youre still the one Im after all these years绵长岁月里你依然是我的心之所向





  I never told you, I shouldve told you我从未告诉你,我本该告诉你



  I never told you after all these years这么多年过去了我从未告诉你



  I never told you after all these years这么多年过去了我从未告诉你






  Youre still the one Im after all these years绵长岁月里你依然是我的心之所向


这里是after的介词用法,听歌学口语:All These Years,你依然是我的心之所向be after sb/sth的意思是“寻找;追求;追捕”。



  The police are after him.警察正在追捕他。



  Im sure shes after my husband.我敢肯定她在打我丈夫的主意。





  Couldnt help, but overhear you无意中听到了你的话





  Im sorry, I couldnt help overhearing.很抱歉,我是碰巧听到的。





  I never told you, I shouldve told you我从未告诉你,我本该告诉你


should have done是虚拟语气,它表示与过去事实相反的情形,意思是“本来应该做了某事但实际没有做”。



  You should have told me!你应该告诉我的!



  I should have brought an umbrella.我本应该带把雨伞的!