
发布日期:2018-06-29 18:55 本文摘要:PASSAGE ONE 51. What does This in Para. 2 refer to? 答案:Leprechauns treasure hoard. 52. Why did Fisher have to battle in the courtsafter he found the treasure (Para. 4)? 答案:Becausehe was sued fo








51. What does This in Para. 2 refer to?


答案:Leprechauns’ treasure hoard.




52. Why did Fisher have to battle in the courtsafter he found the treasure (Para. 4)?


答案:Becausehe was sued for the ownership of the find.








53. Why did Miriam wear a new net blouse on Sunday afternoon?


答案:Because she wanted to look beautiful and arouse Paul’s attention.




54. What is the meaning of the sentence “... he would spare neither himself nor anybody else” in Para. 5?


答案:He would do something cruel to himself and people around.








55. Explain the meaning of the last sentence of Para.11 according to the context.


答案:Illiteratepeople may also have knowledge and wisdom.















With intelligent machines to do the thinking, will our brains get lazy?




     Nowadays, people are enjoying one of the greatest technological boom times in human history. Many aspects of people’sdaily life have undergone considerable changes because of the recent development in artificial intelligence. In spite of many benefits brought by intelligent machines, it has been concerned that our brains will get lazy with intelligent machines to do the thinking. In my opinion, artificial intelligence will help our brains get more creativeinstead.




    Artificial intelligence has already made its way into our work field and completely renovated people’s lifestyle. Admittedly, a lot of work has been done by intelligent machines. It seems that the function of people has been weakened and people’s brain has been replaced.As a matter of fact, thanks to artificial intelligence, people can expand their creative energy and add new varieties. Simply speaking, when people are free from tedious, repetitive, sometimes even dangerous and risky work, the work efficiency has undoubtedly been improved. As a result, people can spare more time to do what they want and pursue what they dream of, which is the premise of creativity. Moreover, creativity stems primarily from knowledge and thinking. Once people have opportunities to do more thinking and learn more knowledge, their intelligence would be enhanced rather than weakened.




    Actually, intelligent machines are the exhibition of people’s high degree of creative power.No matter how technologies develop, it should be noted that technologies should bepeople-oriented, and then we may embrace a more enlightening and intelligent society.






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