
发布日期:2019-07-25 02:40 本文摘要:原标题:教师整理八年级英语上册必会短语,人手一份考试不愁 教师整理八年级英语上册必会短语,人手一份考试不愁 Unit Eight 郊游 school trip 去水族馆 go to the aquarium 闲逛 hang out 照相 take photos 其余什么 what else 得到他的亲笔签名 get his au




  Unit Eight


  1. 郊游 school trip
  2. 去水族馆 go to the aquarium
  3. 闲逛 hang out
  4. 照相 take photos
  5. 其余什么 what else
  6. 得到他的亲笔签名 get his autograph
  7. 旅游者中心 the Visitors’ Center
  8. 在那之后 after that
  9. 户外水池 the Outdoor Pool
  10. 礼品店 the Gift Shop
  11. 在一天结束时 at the end of the day
  12. 乘地铁 take the subway
  13. 睡懒觉 sleep late
  14. 开车兜风 go for a drive
  15. 上课 take a class
  16. 在我的下一个休息日on my next day off
  17. 一个繁忙的休息日 a busy day off
  18. 整天 all day
  19. 看录像 watch videos
  20. 玩电脑游戏 play computer games
  21. 把…拿出来 put…out
  22. 在院子里 in the yard
  23. 举行一次庭院出售 have a yard sale
  24. 有点无聊 kind of boring
  25. 没有一个人 no one
  26. 据我看来 in my opinion
  27. 很快见到你 See you soon.
  28. 将来 in the future
  29. 从…回来 come back from
  30. 与…在一起 be with sb


  Unit 9

  1.国际体育明星international stars

  2.打破纪录break the record


  4.打高尔夫球play golf


  a great Chinese ping-pong player

  6.世界纪录名册Book of world records


  hiccupping/sneezing world record

  8.在这样的一小时内in such an hour

  9.由于because of

  10.出生be born

  11.成为一个明星become a movie star

  12.学会骑自行车learn to ride a bicycle

  13.一个著名的小提琴家/钢琴家 a famous violinist/pianist

  14.开始滑冰start ice skating

  15.一位善良而慈爱的奶奶 a kind and loving grandmother

  16.成为一位滑冰冠军 become a skating champion

  17.在美国巡回演出tour the U.S.

  18.学手风琴learn the accordion

  19.参加take part in

  20.在国际肖邦钢琴大赛上in the Chopin International Piano Competition

  21.获一等奖win the first prize

  22.健在be alive

  23.上清华大学go to Tsinghua University

  24.主修;主研major in

  25.女子单打选手a women’s singles player

  Unit 10

  1.程序师a computer programmer

  2.学习计算机科学study computer science

  3.专业演员a professional actor

  4.上表演课take acting lessons

  5.练篮球practice basketball

  6.长大grow up

  7.搬到有意思的地方move somewhere interesting

  8.听看来像sound like

  9.时装表演fashion shows

  10.时尚杂志的记者 a reporter for a fashion magazine

  11.找份兼职工作get a part-time job

  12.同时at the same time

  13.举行艺术展hold art exhibitions

  14.取得好成绩get good grades

  15.上吉它课take guitar lessons

  16.学习外语learn a foreign language

  17.加大锻炼量get a lot of exercise

  18.保持健康keep fit

  19.周游世界travel all over the world


  21.新年决定New Year’s Resolutions

  22.与…交流communicate with

  Unit 11

  1.洗碗do the dishes

  2.扫地sweep the floor

  3.倒垃圾take out the trash

  4.铺床make your bed

  5.折叠衣服fold your clothes

  6.打扫起居室clean the living room

  7.让某人搭便车give sb a ride

  8.开会have a meeting

  9.忙于做某事work on sth

  10.做家务do chores

  11.洗车wash the car

  12.呆在外边be outside

  13.向某人借某物borrow sth from sb

  14.洗衣服do the laundry

  15.邀请某人去某地invite sb to somewhere

  16.去商店go to the store

  17.买饮料和零食buy drinks and snacks

  18.带某人做某事take sb for sth

  19.忘记做某事forget to do sth

  20.搬新家move to a new house

  21.从事work on

  22.向某人寻求帮助ask sb for help

  23.厌恶做某事hate to do/doing sth

  24.照顾take care of

  25.生气get angry

  26.英语课外作业English project

  27.去渡假go on vacation

  28.需要一些帮助need some help

  29.饲养狗feed dogs

  30.做早餐make breakfast


  32.在…的帮助下with the help of

  Unit 12

  1.舒适的座位comfortable seats

  2.大屏幕big screens

  3.友好的服务friendly service

  4.离家近close to home

  5.在城里有趣的地方in a fun part of town

  6.最好的电影院the best movie theatre

  7.服装店a clothing store

  8.电台a radio station

  9.质量好的衣服good quality clothes

  10.相当差pretty bad

  11.最有趣的人the funniest person

  12.质量最差the worst quality

  13.最佳表演者the best performer

  14.才艺展示talent show

  15.做…调查do a survey of

  16.…的价格the price of

  17.削价cut one’s price(s)

  18.在中国的北部in the north of China=

  In northern china

  19.冰雪节Ice and Snow Festival

  20.海南省Hainan Province

  21.特价屋Bargain House







