剑桥雅思8Test2口语话题Part1参考答案 报刊杂志

发布日期:2018-06-06 14:32 本文摘要:摘要:备考雅思,大部分精力与时间都是围绕着剑桥雅思系列展开。可是其中的口语部分,官方是没有提供答案。不过,小编为大家奉上小站独家的口语范文。有谁还记得那些年追过的萌芽,今古传奇武侠版?请接受剑雅8Test2口语Part1话题范文:magazines and newspa

  摘要:备考雅思,大部分精力与时间都是围绕着剑桥雅思系列展开。可是其中的口语部分,官方是没有提供答案。不过,小编为大家奉上小站独家的口语范文。有谁还记得那些年追过的萌芽,今古传奇武侠版?请接受剑雅8Test2口语Part1话题范文:magazines and newspapers报刊杂志,共4个问题的拷问

   有剑桥雅思而无剑桥雅思口语范文,犹如有肉无酒,惜哉!你读过外文报刊杂志么?你觉得读外文报刊杂志是一种学外语的好方法么?请看本文带来剑桥雅思8Test2口语part1话题magazines and newspapers报刊杂志,共4个问题,配范文与解析。


   剑桥雅思8Test2口语part1话题magazines and newspapers

   1. Which magazines and newspapers do you read? [Why?]


   杂志的类别有很多,有大众休闲杂志,有学术杂志,还有一种叫做 sensational magazine 的类 别?(厚薄有点像报纸,版面也较大,主要就是用一些故事或内容创造一些轰动,常登一些名人花边新闻等,类似于狗仔队杂志吧)。不管读报纸还是杂志,基本上就是为了获取一些信息,有可能是休闲的目的,也有可能是教育的目的。

   I tend to read magazines connected with my hobbies and interests. I am interested in photography,history and wild-life, so I read magazines about these subjects.

   2. What kinds of articles are you most interested in? [why?]



   I look for articles which will make me betterinformed about my hobbies and interests. In the case of photography I look for articles about new techniques or new products. For history, I look for articles about new discoveries and their importance and for wild-life I look for articles about new habitats of wild creatures.

   3. Have you ever read a magazine or newspaper in a foreign language? [when/why?]



   I studied French all through school and I buy a copy of the French Newspaper ‘Le Monde’ each Saturday when I go into the city. We are fortunate to be able to buy newspapers from all over the world there. ‘Le Monde’ would not be my first choice of newspaper,but my favourite one, ‘Le Figaro’, is not available.

   4. Do you think reading a newspaper or magazine in a foreign language is a good way to learn the language? [Why/Why not?]



   For me the answer is yes, because reading books and newspapers in a foreign language will build up my vocabulary. However, many people involving in teaching foreign languages say that listening and repeating what you hear is a better way to learn. If they are correct, listening to the radio in a foreign language or watching foreign films might be a better way to learn.








   以上就是小编为大家带来的《剑桥雅思8Test2口语话题Part1参考答案 报刊杂志》的全部内容,左手剑桥雅思系列,右手小站雅思频道,2018屠鸭不在话下。