剑桥雅思8Test3口语话题Part1参考答案 Flowers花

发布日期:2018-06-06 14:31 本文摘要:摘要:备考雅思,大部分精力与时间都是围绕着剑桥雅思系列展开。可是其中的口语部分,官方是没有提供答案。不过,小编为大家奉上小站独家的口语范文。家妻喜欢玻璃瓶中插的一两枝花,瞬间家中就温馨多了,你觉得呢?请接受剑雅8Test3口语Part1话题范文:Flow





   1. Do you like to have flowers in your home? [Why/Why not?]


   这是个非常生活化的话题,一般考生可以回答“喜欢”,因为可以美化家庭环境,让心情舒畅 等。考生也可以由于过敏、体质等原因回答“不喜欢”。

   示范答案:Absolutely! I usually put fresh flowers which are in season, like red roses, white lilies and sunflowers on the coffee table in the living room. I think flowers highlight the decoration of my apartment and impress people.

   2. Where would you go to buy flowers? [Why?]


   买花的地点可以在街边花店,也可以去大型花卉市场。街边花店非常便利,可以根据需要随时 购买或预定 ;大型花卉市场往往较远,但价格便宜,可选择的种类样式也更为多样。当然,考 生还可以说选择网上购花,价格便宜、种类多样,还可以随时购买。

   示范答案:I usually buy flowers at the florist around the corner down the street near my neighbourhood, where I pass by every day. The owner sometimes gives me discount because I have become one of his patrons. But the most wonderful place to shop for flowers is the flower market, which is held in the downtown around Spring Festival once a year. An abundance of flowers can be seen there and people gather there to select flowers to decorate their houses and wish for good luck for the New Year.

   3. On what occasions would you give someone flowers?、



   示范答案:On special days like Mother’s Day, Teacher’s Day, I would send carnations, which represent love and respect, to my mom and my teachers. I guess it’s the same case in Western culture. And I send flowers to my family and close friends on their birthdays. Just like last week, my best friend Jessica got nine sunflowers from me,which are her favourite. The digit nine symbolises eternity and I wish our friendship lasts forever.

   4. Are flowers important in your culture? [Why/Why not?]



   示范答案:Definitely. Flowers do play a significant role in our culture. I can tell that because flowers open out before us everywhere. You know, plants like orchid, chrysanthemum, bamboo and plum blossom, which are complimented as ‘the 4 noble ones’, are popular subjects for Chinese painters for their refined beauty and purity. And the funniest thing is that the 4 noble ones are even depicted in mahjong titles.








   以上就是小编为大家带来的《剑桥雅思8Test3口语话题Part1参考答案 Flowers花》的全部内容,左手剑桥雅思系列,右手小站雅思频道,2018屠鸭不在话下。