剑桥雅思8Test1口语话题Part1参考答案 Neighbour邻居

发布日期:2018-06-06 12:12 本文摘要:摘要:备考雅思,大部分精力与时间都是围绕着剑桥雅思系列展开。可是其中的口语部分,官方是没有提供答案。不过,小编为大家奉上小站独家的口语范文。老死不相往来活在自己世界的我们,还会有左邻右舍的串门操作么?请接受剑雅8Test1口语Part1话题范文:Neig





   1. How well do you know the people who live next door to you?


   重点在于回答“how well”,可以是“very well”,“know my neighbor inside out”或“know nothing about them”。其实在都市中生活,对自己的邻居不了解、不熟悉完全正常。但是如果 生活在乡村,邻里关系可能就很重要。

   The people next door to me are a young couple and they have lived there for five years. They came to live in the house after their marriage. We get on very well and try to help each other. I used to work with the woman’s father and so I have known her since she was a little girl.

   2. How often do you see them? [Why/Why not?]


   重点在于频率“how often”,可以是“very often”,也可以是“rarely”或“never”。考生还可 以进一步讲看到自己的邻居干什么,或自己看到他们后有什么反应,说什么话,做什么事。

   I see one or the other of them at least once a day, but not during the day because they are both working. I watch the house for them during the day and accept any parcel delivered to their home and they come to see if there is any mail for them and to see if I am well each evening. Sometimes we chat and have a drink together if we are gardening at the same time.

   3. What kinds of problem do people sometimes have with their neighbors?



   I have been very fortunate to have the young couple next to me because my friends tell me stories of loud music coming from neighbours’ houses. My neighbours are very quiet and if they are going to have a party, they tell me beforehand, but I am often invited, so the noise is no problem.

   4. How do you think neighbors can help each other?


   俗话说的好 ,“远水解不了近渴”(While the grass grows, the horse starves.) 邻居在紧急时刻还 是能助一臂之力的,例如火警、抢劫、盗窃等等......

   Neighbours can check if elderly neighbours have fallen ill once they have not seen them, or they can work together so that both parties benefit. I look after my neighbours’ house during the daytime when they are at work and take delivery of their parcels. In return they take me shopping because I do not have a car. The man next door also helps me with heavy jobs in the garden. I know that if I were ever ill, they would be the first people to help me.








   以上就是小编为大家带来的《剑桥雅思8Test1口语话题Part1参考答案 Neighbour邻居》的全部内容,左手剑桥雅思系列,右手小站雅思频道,2018屠鸭不在话下。