剑桥雅思9Test1口语话题Part1参考答案 Games游戏

发布日期:2018-06-05 15:26 本文摘要:摘要:备考雅思,大部分精力与时间都是围绕着剑桥雅思系列展开。可是其中的口语部分,官方是没有提供答案。不过,小编为大家奉上小站独家的口语范文。六一刚过,童心未泯的烤鸭们玩了些什么暴露年龄的游戏呢?。请接受剑雅9Test1口语Part1话题范文:Games游





   1.What games are popular in your country? [Why?]


   “游戏”话题是近期考试的热点话题。它在已有的题库中多出现在Part I,而近期的雅思口语考试多将其放在Part 2,比如要求考生描述儿童时期玩过的一款游戏(A game you played a lot in childhood)等。对于这个话题,回答思路既可“天女散花”,即列举在一个国家内受不同群体欢迎的游戏,亦可“孤注一掷”,即将答案具体化,将回答的重点落实到具体的某项游戏上,再给以适当的细节描述。

   示范答案:It varies. For our young generation, there is only one name for games that we are crazy about, which is the computer games, either single-userversion or concurrent version. For the elder generation, like my grandpa, they have a lot of folk games to play, such as shuttlecock, diabolo and jumping rope. As for the reason why such kind of situation appears,personally I think it has much to do with the changes of times and technology.

   2.Do you play any games?[Why/Why not?]



   示范答案:Before I give you my answer, I have to remind you that I’m a super game player. Of course I play games and played a great number of diversified ones. When I moved on the dancing blanket, I enjoyed the feeling of dancing to the music. When I played the Megga Jump, I couldn’t help overcoming all the obstacles to win. All these games not only help me relax but also benefit me with the ambition to succeed.

   3.How do people learn to play games in your country?



   示范答案:Traditional games were quite simple and easy to learn. With the development of society, one huge difference nowadays is that we are obsessed with high-tech computer games. Referring to how to learn it, it’s pretty convenient to find breakthrough on the Internet for players. They are experts of Counter-Strike and War Craft without devoting too much time to learning the game skills.

   4.Do you think its important for people to play games? [Why/Why not?]



   示范答案:Definitely yes. Games to people is what condiment to diet. Without games, our life will lose some interests and become dull. Imagine it, when you go through a tough day surrounded by tired work, when you are out of mood, and even when you don’t know how to kill the time, why not take the game as a weapon to re-energise yourself?








   以上就是小编为大家带来的《剑桥雅思9Test1口语话题Part1参考答案 Games游戏》的全部内容,左手剑桥雅思系列,右手小站雅思频道,2018屠鸭不在话下。