
发布日期:2018-11-03 10:34 本文摘要:摘要:2018年10月27的雅思考试已经结束,为大家带来本场雅思大作文真题解析及范文,本期话题讨论的是年轻人如何分配休闲时间的问题,是陪伴家人还是享受自己的娱乐休闲时光?请看本期范文解析的详细内容。 2018年10月27日雅思大作文写作题目是:Some people


   2018年10月27日雅思大作文写作题目是:Some people think that young people should spend more of their free time at home with their families, and spend less time entertaining outside. Others disagree. Discuss both views and give your opinion.探讨的是年轻人如何分配时间的问题,请看原创范文。









   a closer family bond 亲密的家庭关系

   harmonize with sb 与某人和谐相处

   traditional responsibility 传统责任

   favorable relations 良好的关系

   interdependent society 互相依赖的社会

   age difference 年龄差

   tax evasion. 偷税

   friend circle 朋友圈

   Alienated friendship 疏远的朋友关系

   gets conceivably futile 变得无用

   as to how young people should spend their leisure time 介词+宾语从句

   advising most young individuals to do sth is not suitable 非谓语结构做主语

   Too much interaction will make their relationship counterproductive,negatively but easily . 副词位于句尾做状语

   there can provide a relaxing environment in which……. 介词+which定语从句



   There are differing views as to how young people should spend their leisure time. Many individuals contend that they should use it more on family and less on entertainment , but others argue otherwise. I agree with the latter view although it is important to accompany ones’ parents.


   On the one hand, if most young people stay more at home, they will likely form a closer family bond. It is reasonable to believe that parents desire forpositive family ties becomes stronger as their age grows, and such anxiety can better be alleviated by the way children harmonize with them. Additionally, the traditional responsibility of caring for the elders inculcates and encourages young adults to value family. Over time, favorable relations will be developed and bring wellbeing to family in return.



   On the other hand, advising most young individuals to just stay at home during their vacation is not suitable in today’s interdependent society. First, communication between young and old may particularly be hard because age difference has variedeffects on kinds of lifestyle, choices of recreation, and ways of thinking. Too much interaction will make their relationship counterproductive, negatively but easily . Recently, my mother and I are at an impasse after quarrelling about the punishment for tax evasion.


   Second, some young people will mostly reduce pressure if they spend more time entertaining themselves like drinking a little in a bar. Admittedly, there can provide a relaxing environment in which they temporarily forget unpleasant events encountered at work. Finally, young peoples friend circle will be difficult to maintain if there is less frequency in socializing. Alienated friendship gets conceivably futile once they are in trouble.


   In conclusion, although family is a vital part of life, I think more importance should still be attached to entertainment during one’s leisure time, considering stress reducing and friendship keeping.


   以上就是2018年10月27日的雅思大作文写作范文及解析的全部内容,更多雅思写作大作文范文,请继续关注小站雅思频道。 2018年10月27日雅思大作文写作范文解析