
发布日期:2018-08-10 16:53 本文摘要:2018年9月雅思口语P2新题及范文:外出野餐摘要:暑期过半,小站雅思君为考生带来9月雅思口语变题季考前预热,本期口语part2预测话题为:外出野餐。你有没有去野餐的经历?关于野餐有哪些有趣的回忆呢?一起来看本期的参考范文。 9月初雅思口语又将更新题库,


   9月初雅思口语又将更新题库,考前口语热身,助力口语高分,一起来围观小站雅思君口语新题预测吧,本期雅思口语话题有关:an outdoor meal or picnic that you had,配范文供考生参考。更多雅思口语part2话题正在加紧赶制中,敬请期待。



   Describe an outdoor meal or picnic that you had

   you should say

   Where did it take place

   What was the occasion

   What did you eat and drink there

   and explain whether you enjoyed it or not


   I can remember so many outdoor picnics with my friends and family members. Infact, we used to go outing and had our meals outside as part of the picnics very frequently even a few years back. One such picnic was a boat trip to a nearby island called (say a name) where we went 3-4 years ago. It was a small island and that island had some old buildings as well as a beautiful relaxing spot surrounded by natures. The water around the island gives the impression that you have come to an exotic land. We had our picnics on this island. There was no particular occasion for the picnic; as far as I recall the community people of our locality were planning for a picnic and they settled the day in the mid-summer. On the day we had a big boat that took us to the island and we spent the whole day there.


   I remember eating fried rice, roasted mutton, chicken, desert, different cookies fruits and some other food items throughout the whole day during our visit to the island. We drank plenty of waters as the weather was hot. We also drank fruit juices and soft drinks at different times of the day.


   It was a great occasion for me. All of my family members and neighbours were present in the picnic and that was a really relaxing occasion for me. I enjoyed the boat journey and the picnic spot a lot. I played and chatted with the neighbouring kids and that was a very interesting and enjoyable gathering in my opinion.

