
发布日期:2018-08-10 14:27 本文摘要:摘要:暑期过半,小站雅思君为考生带来9月雅思口语变题季考前预热,本期口语part2预测话题为:打算重温的电影。关于你最喜欢的电影,你反复看过几次呢?为什么?一起来看本期的雅思口语参考范文吧。2018年9月雅思口语P2新题及范文:重温电影 9月初雅思口语又


   9月初雅思口语又将更新题库,考前口语热身,助力口语高分,一起来围观小站雅思君口语新题预测吧,本期雅思口语话题有关:a movie you would like to watch again.配范文供考生参考,本期范文的电影为寻找梦幻岛。更多雅思口语part2话题正在加紧赶制中,敬请期待。



   Describe a movie you would like to watch again.

   You should say:

   what it was about

   when and where you watched it

   who you watched it with

   and explain why you would like to watch it again.


   Well, the movie that I’d like to watch again is Finding Neverland. You probably watched it too.


   It tells a story of Barrie, a Scottish play writer develops a strong friendship with the widowed Sylvia and her four young sons whose imaginative behaviour gives him ideas. He incorporates them into a play about boys who do not want to grow up. The play, Peter Pan, proves to be a huge success after Sylvia becomes increasingly weak from an unidentified illness, so Barrie arranges to have an play performed in her home. She dies shortly afterwards, and Barrie finds that her will is to have him and her mother look after the boys.


   I downloaded this film from the Internet last year, and watched it at home on the couch on TV.


   I guess that Finding Neverland is a warm, heartfelt drama with an engaging story. Finding Neverland is a simple story, but in the tragic and painful ending, it digs under the skin of everyday life to ask a big question that as we grow up, we left behind too much innocence in the childhood, which touches on the deepest emotions of normal people, so I really want to relive these touching moments in the future.

