
发布日期:2018-06-21 14:55 本文摘要:101. cram [krm] v.①把塞进 ②临时死记硬背 示例: Jill crammed her clothes into the bag. 吉尔把自己的衣服塞进袋子里。 102. crate[kret] n.装货箱,木板条箱 示例: He bought a crate of oranges for his children.他给孩子们买了一箱橘子。 103. cra



101. cram [kræm]


v.①把……塞进 ②临时死记硬背


✎ 示例:


Jill crammed her clothes into the bag. 吉尔把自己的衣服塞进袋子里。






102. crate [kreɪt]




✎ 示例:


He bought a crate of oranges for his children.他给孩子们买了一箱橘子。






103. crave [kreɪv]




✎ 示例:


The tree may crave calm, but the wind will not drop. 树欲静而风不止。






104. credentials [krɪdenʃ(ə)lz] 


n.(pl.)①资格,资历 ②资格证书,证明书,证件


✎ 示例:


Please show your credentials. 请出示证件。






105. cricket [krɪkɪt]




✎ 示例:


During the summer term we would play cricket at the village ground. 夏季学期里我们常在村里的空地上玩板球。






106. crouch [kraʊtʃ]




✎ 示例:


He crouched in the shadows near the doorway. 他蹲在门道近旁的阴影里。






107. crow [krəʊ]


vi.①啼叫 ②自鸣得意n.乌鸦


✎ 示例:


He was crowing over winning the bet. 他在大吹自己打赌赢了。






108. crunch [krʌntʃ]


n.①压碎声 ②困境vi.嘎吱作响


✎ 示例:


The only sound was the crunch of tyres on gravel. 唯一的声音是轮胎压在沙砾上的嘎吱声。






109. cub [kʌb]




✎ 示例:


The cub is a small bear. 那只幼兽是只小熊。






110. cult [kʌlt]




✎ 示例:


OBrien has a cult of devoted readers. 奥布赖恩有一批忠实的读者。






111. cunning [kʌnɪŋ]


a.①狡猾的 ②灵巧的n.狡猾


✎ 示例:


She would use low cunning to win peoples sympathy. 她会耍卑鄙的花招来博得别人的同情。






112. curtail [kɜːteɪl]




✎ 示例:


Budget cuts have drastically curtailed training programs. 缩减预算严重地影响了培训计划。






113. custody [kʌstədi]


n.①监护(权) ②拘留


✎ 示例:


A man is being held in police custody in connection with the murder. 一名男子因涉嫌谋杀被警方拘留。






114. deadlock [dedlɒk]




✎ 示例:


The talks have reached a complete deadlock. 会谈完全陷入僵局。






115. debut [deɪbjuː]




✎ 示例:


He made his Major League debut as shortstop. 他以游击手的身份在联合会职业棒球赛上首次亮相。






116. defer [dɪfɜː]


v.①拖延 ②(to)(人)遵从


✎ 示例:


Further discussion on the proposal will be deferred until April. 对此案的进一步讨论将推迟到4月份。






117. delude [dɪluːd] 




✎ 示例:


It is easy to delude yourself into believing youre in love. 一个人容易误以为自己陷入了爱河。






118. demographic [,deməgræfɪk]




✎ 示例:


The United States has collected the changing demographics of the country. 美国收集了国家变化的人口统计数据。






119. deplete [dɪpliːt]




✎ 示例:


Salmon populations have been severely depleted. 鲑鱼的数量大大减少了。






120. depot [depəʊ]


n.①仓库 ②公共汽车车库③火车站


✎ 示例:


The guerrillas burned down the enemys depot. 游击队放火烧了敌人的仓库。