
发布日期:2019-04-04 11:14 本文摘要:来看《摩登家庭》第三季第二十一集,英语君总结了三个实用知识点。 1. parade △杰一直都想去高中老友的聚会,他坦言他这次去不是想显摆有钱,是想显摆他找了个这么美丽的老婆。 parade作动词和名词都有游行的意思,on parade可以表示接受检阅,作动词的话表




1. parade





parade作动词和名词都有游行的意思,on parade可以表示“接受检阅”,作动词的话表示“夸示,炫耀”。



  The children paraded about/around in their new clothes.孩子们穿着新衣服四处炫耀。《摩登家庭》S3E21:炫耀的多样表达







  They drove around in Rolls-Royces, openly flaunting their wealth.他们开着劳斯莱斯车四处转,公然炫富。


②show off



  Naomi was showing off her engagement ring.内奥米那时正在炫耀她的订婚戒指。


③flash sth around



  She was flashing her engagement ring around.她正在四处炫耀她的订婚戒指。


2. twists and turns






  a path with many twists and turns蜿蜒曲折的小路


同样是和turn搭配,toss and turn就尤指因无法入睡而“翻来覆去,辗转反侧”。


3. wear sb down



wear sb down指的是使某人疲劳,看一下它的英语释义:to make someone feel tired and less able to deal successfully with a situation,所以这里侧重地是是别人精疲力竭而无法顺利解决事情。



  Both sides are trying to wear the other down by being obstinate in the negotiations.双方在谈判中都不肯让步,试图耗尽对方的耐性。