
发布日期:2019-02-16 12:15 本文摘要:2019.02.16 周六 Saturday objectively/bektivli/ adv. 客观上 Everybodypoops, but some peoples excrement isobjectivelybetter. Somewhere in the crowd are a few people who pass peerless poops, powerful enough to potentially treat inflammatory b



  周六 Saturday


  objectively /əbektivli/ 


  adv. 客观上



  Everybody poops, but some peoples excrement is objectively better. Somewhere in the crowd are a few people who pass peerless poops, powerful enough to potentially treat inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and type 2 diabetes.每个人都拉屎,但有些人拉的屎从客观上讲要好一些。人类之中有一些人能拉出鹤立鸡群的屎,这种屎强大到可能可以治疗炎症性肠病和2型糖尿病。


  A massive analysis of faecal transplant research has now driven these exceptional donors out of the cubicles and into the spotlight.学界对有关排泄物移植的研究进行了大量的分析,于是现在这些捐献者终于走出小隔间、走进聚光灯了。


  Trial after trial, researchers from the University of Auckland were able to pin the medal of remission on a single donor, whose stool was filled to the brim with all the best and most necessary bacteria.奥克兰大学的研究者们在一次又一次的尝试之后,找到了一个值得获得宽容勋章的捐献者,这位捐献者的便便中净是最好、最必要的有益细菌。


  The pattern of success in these trials demonstrates the existence of super-donors, whose stool is particularly likely to influence the host gut and to lead to clinical improvement, explains senior author Justin OSullivan, who studies how the microbiome can inform the treatment of complex disorders at the University of Auckland.研究的高级作者贾斯汀·欧苏利文解释说:“这些实验的成功模式说明世界上存在‘超级捐献者’,他们的便便极有可能可以影响宿主的肠道并且引起领床上的病情改观。”欧苏利文在奥克兰大学研究的是如何用微生物群来改善复杂失调问题的治疗方法。


  We see transplants from super-donors achieve clinical remission rates of perhaps double the remaining average.“我们看到,超级捐献者提供的移植带来的病情缓解率差不多是其他样本的两倍。惊呆了的新研究:有些超级吃货能帮助医生治病”


  The idea of super poopers has long been suspected, but this is one of the first overarching studies to substantiate their existence.学界早就怀疑世界上有这种能拉超级便便的人,但这是第一次有全面的研究证实他们的存在。


  Past research has shown that passing poop from one individual to another is a reliable treatment for serious, recurrent infections of the gut, no matter who the donor is.以前的研究发现,把一个人的便便移植给另一个人能够很可靠地治疗严重的、复发性的肠道感染,不管捐献者是谁都一样。


  Yet for some reason, when it comes to treating IBD and type 2 diabetes, faecal transplants appear to work less than a quarter of the time.不过,因为某些原因,普通的便便移植在治疗IBD和2型糖尿病时的成功率还不到25%。






  objectively /əbektivli/ 


  adv. 客观上




  不难看出,objectively 是 objective 的副词形式。


  objective 是和 subjective 相对的,


  subjective 表示“主观的”:


  Everyones opinion is bound to be subjective.每个人的意见都必定是主观的。


  objective 表示“客观的”:


  I find it difficult to be objective where hes concerned.我发现我在对待他的时候很难保持客观。


  另外,objective 也能作名词,表示“目标”:


  You must set realistic objectives for yourself.你必须给你自己设定些实际的目标。