
发布日期:2018-12-27 18:06 本文摘要:无印良品现在设计出了一种看着很酷的自动驾驶小巴士,可以全天候运行,预计2020年就可以在芬兰投放了。 Now, Muji is venturing into theautonomousvehicle industry with what is known as the Gacha Shuttle Bus (working name). Loosely resembling a Gac



  Now, Muji is venturing into the autonomous vehicle industry with what is known as the Gacha Shuttle Bus (working name). Loosely resembling a Gacha capsule due to its round form and dual-tone color scheme, the bus comes with ten seats and enough room for six people to stand, accommodating a total of 16 passengers.无印良品现在已经把探索的步伐迈入了自动交通工具的领域,这个项目现在的官方名称叫 Gacha 小巴。由于它圆滑的造型和双色的设计,它看起来很像一个 Gacha 胶囊,整个小巴有10个座位,还有可供6个人站立的空间,所以总共可以承载16个人。






  无印良品这次是和芬兰公司Sensible 4合作的,后者是芬兰著名的自动驾驶研究公司,无印良品已经计划在2019年的3月生产一辆原型车并用上半年的时间来测试赫尔辛基的路况。




  If successful, the Gacha Shuttle Bus will serve as public transport as early as 2020 in Finland. Given that Japan is currently working hard to craft new legislation that governs the use of self-driving vehicles, perhaps we might even get to see cute Gacha buses shuttling people around during the Tokyo 2020 Olympics.如果成功的话,Gacha小巴2020年就能在芬兰投用了。另外,考虑到日本目前正在积极改革有关自动驾驶的相关法律,或许我们也能在2020东京奥运的时候看到这种小巴。无印良品开始造无人驾驶公交车了




  The Muji Hut is initially being made available in conjunction with Japanese company WOULD, which has repurposed a section of land on the site of the old Nagao Elementary School in Chiba Prefecture, which closed down in 2011. 无印小屋是无印良品和日本公司WOULD合作的项目,是对千叶县长尾小学一部分旧校舍的改造再利用;那所小学在2011年的时候已经关闭了。


  The school’s main building has been remodelled to become a multipurpose complex, complete with guestrooms, shower rooms, a shared kitchen, and even a cafe.学校的主楼被改造成了一个多功能的模块型综合体,里面包括会客室、淋浴间、公用厨房,甚至还有一个咖啡厅。










  OK,来讲讲今天的词 Autonomous



  这个词的意思是“自主的”,虽然我们通常把 autonomous vehicle 翻译成“自动汽车”,但那只是为了简便,autonomous 的正确解释是“可以自己管理自己、自行运行的”。






  He treated us as autonomous individuals who had to learn to make up our own minds about issues.他把我们视为独立的个体,必须学会自主处理问题。