
发布日期:2018-08-01 20:18 本文摘要:中国90后女生化妆成蒙娜丽莎,走红外网!A beauty blogger in south-west China has stunned thousands after she filmed herself transforming into a life-like Mona Lisa.中国西南部的一位美妆博主因拍摄了一段把自己变成栩栩如生的蒙娜丽莎的视频而使无

  中国90后女生化妆成蒙娜丽莎,走红外网!A beauty blogger in south-west China has stunned thousands after she filmed herself transforming into a life-like Mona Lisa.中国西南部的一位美妆博主因拍摄了一段把自己变成栩栩如生的蒙娜丽莎的视频而使无数人感到惊叹。

  Posting the impressive transformation clip on her Miaopai video channel on Sunday, He Yuya, 27, re-created the Leonardo da Vinci masterpiece on her face using only makeup.27岁的何雨虹只凭借化妆技术就在自己的脸上重现了达芬奇的杰作“蒙娜丽莎”。周日她在秒拍视频平台上分享了这段令人印象深刻的变身视频。

  The artist from Chongqing province then on Tuesday posted another video of her transforming into the Lady with an Ermine, an oil painting also by Da Vinci.来自重庆的这位艺术家在周二分享了另一个变身视频,这一次她还是变成了达芬奇的油画作品中的人物“抱貂的女子”。

  The makeup artist has also filmed herself transforming into popular American singer-songwriter Taylor Swift and received 390,000 views.这位化妆艺术家还拍摄了她把自己变成了备受欢迎的美国创作型歌手泰勒·斯威夫特的视频,而这个视频的点击量已达39万次。

  Ms He said that she created the Mona Lisa look on awhim , after her followers tasked her the makeup challenge as a joke.何女士表示,她创作“蒙娜丽莎式妆容”是一时兴起,先前她的粉丝开玩笑让她挑战一下“蒙娜丽莎式妆容”。

  She certainly did not expect the clip to go viral.她肯定没想到这个视频剪辑会走红。

  The transformation video has been viewed over 800,000 times on Miaopai and more than 20 million times on social video platform Dou Yin, where she first posted the video.该变身视频在秒拍上的点击量已逾80万次,在社交视频平台抖音上的点击量已逾2000万次,而她最先在抖音上分享了这个视频。

  I appreciate all the support Ive received and Im so happy that viewers like the transformation.“感谢所有支持我的人,我很高兴观众们这么喜欢这种改变。”

  Once you see your face as a blank sheet of paper, the opportunities are endless, she wrote alongside her video post.“一旦你把自己的脸视为一张白纸,你就有无数的机会,”她在视频简介中写道。

  I love oil paintings myself, she said.“我本身就喜欢油画,”她说道。

  So, when I saw the great response on the Mona Lisa video, I went on to create Lady with an Ermine to continue the Da Vinci theme.“所以当我看到大家对蒙娜丽莎视频的热烈回应之后,我就继续了达芬奇系列作品的这一主题,继续创作了“抱貂的女子”。

  Thanks to the artists insanecontouring skills and blending techniques, the video clip has gathered 194,000 clicks.因为这位艺术家高超的轮廓线绘制技巧及配色技巧,该视频剪辑的点击量已达19.4万次。

  Ms He also transformed herself into the late Taiwanese singer Teresa Teng, saying that Teng is her mothers favourite singer of all time.何女士还把自己变成过已故台湾歌手邓丽君,她说邓丽君是她母亲最喜欢的歌手。

  Each transformation takes between four to six hours, Ms He said.何女士表示,每一次变身都需要花费4~6个小时。

  She added that she still hasnt decided on the character for her next transformation project.她补充道,她还没决定好下一个项目她要变成谁。

  Net users are impressed by the artists talent, dubbing her the Makeup Master and saying that she should start a class.网友们被她的天赋所折服,还称她为“化妆大师”并表示她应该开班授课。
