
发布日期:2018-07-07 21:08 本文摘要:2017年12月英语四级考试翻译预测:中秋节吃月饼2017年12月英语四级考试马上来临,小编特为大家提供以下英语四级翻译预测:中秋节吃月饼供大家练习、参考。 【原文】 中秋节吃月饼是中国的传统习俗。农历八月十五这一天恰好是稻子成熟的时候,月之圆,兆人之






  Eating mooncakes on the Mid-Autumn Festival is a tradition in China. On the 15th day of the 8th lunar month, which is also the time when the rice is ripe and the moon becomes round, which indicates the reunion of people. Those who live far away from home express their feelings for their hometowns and feelings for their loved ones. Farmers pray for harvest and happiness. When I was young, this festival was solemn. My whole family celebrated the festival together and ate together. My mother would make mooncakes and hand them to all the family members, wishing good health for the old and academic success for the young.