
发布日期:2018-07-05 19:14 本文摘要:夏日来临!这几个防晒小知识必须要懂Sun-soaking season is here, and that means if you dont lather up with sunscreen, you could be doing serious damage to your skin cells DNA, setting yourself up to develop a potentially deadly form of cancer

  夏日来临!这几个防晒小知识必须要懂Sun-soaking season is here, and that means if you dont lather up with sunscreen, you could be doing serious damage to your skin cells DNA, setting yourself up to develop a potentially deadly form of cancer.烈日炎炎的季节到了,这意味着如果你不涂防晒霜,就可能会严重损害你的皮肤细胞的遗传物质(DNA),而且还可能会使你自己患上致命的癌症。

  Melanoma kills more than 10,000 Americans every year, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation.皮肤癌基金会指出,每年有10000多名美国人死于黑色素瘤。

  Those deadly cancer cases are typically caused by UV radiation you get from either baking in the sunshine, or lounging in atanning bed.那些致命癌症通常是因你曝晒于阳光下或躺在(利用太阳灯照晒棕褐色皮肤的)浴床上接受到的紫外线辐射而造成的。

  So its important to lather up with some protective sunscreen if youre going to be spending time in the sun - especially during warmer summer months, when the UV Index rises and the sun becomes morepotent .所以如果你要在阳光下度过时光,特别是在更暖和的夏日,紫外线指数上升且阳光更烈的时候,涂点防晒霜是非常重要的。

  We enlisted the help of two skin experts to explain just how long sunscreen lasts and how to re-apply it correctly. Heres their best advice:我们邀请了两位皮肤科专家为我们解释了一下防晒霜的效果可以持续多久,以及正确地重新使用防晒霜的方法。以下是他们给出的最好的建议:

  Your sunscreen SPF is only 100 percent guaranteed for two hours after you put it on在你涂上防晒霜之后,它的防晒效果只能完全保护你两个小时

  When we talk about reapplying sunscreen every two hours, that number comes from how SPF is tested, John Zampella, adermatologist at NYU Langone Health, said.“当我们谈到每两个小时重新涂一次防晒霜的时候,这个数据是基于防晒指数的测试方法而定的,”纽约大学兰贡健康中心的皮肤科专家约翰·赞姆佩拉说道。

  He explained that SPF numbers are based on how much protection a certain sunscreen will give you against the sun for two hours.他解释道,防晒指数是基于防晒霜在两个小时中会给你提供何种程度的保护而确定的。

  When youre active and enjoying the sun, like at the beach or a ballgame, its important to reapply after that.当你积极地享受阳光的时候,例如在海滩上或球类活动中,两个小时之后重新涂上防晒霜是很重要的。

  If you put on an SPF of 50 at 10 a.m., by noon, youre probably still getting some protection, but your SPF 50 is no longer accurate, Zampella said. Maybe youre getting SPF 10 at that point.如果你上午10点涂上防晒指数为50的防晒霜,到中午的时候,“你可能还会受到防晒霜的保护,但它的防晒指数(50)已经不再准确了,”赞姆佩拉说道。

  For full-fledged protection, use at least SPF 30要得到充分的保护,你要使用防晒指数至少为30的防晒霜

  Thats what the American Academy of Dermatologists suggests.这是美国皮肤科专家的建议。

  SPF 30 also happens to be the dose that skin expert David Leffell keeps on hand for himself at home.防晒指数30也恰好是皮肤科专家大卫·勒菲尔自己在家里使用的防晒霜剂量。

  For most people, that protection factor gives enough of a shield to fight off about 96% of the damaging, burn-inducing UVB solar rays outside, whether youre at the beach or on the golf course.对多数人而言,不论你在海滩上还是在高尔夫球场,这种程度的保护足够为你抵挡户外太阳光中波紫外线引起的96%的损害或晒伤。

  Sensitive and fairer skin tones may opt for SPF 50 to get a little extra boost of protection, but Leffell says any SPF higher than 50 only offers minimal extra benefit.敏感皮肤以及肤色偏白的皮肤可以选择防晒指数为50的防晒霜来获得额外的保护,但勒菲尔表示,防晒指数高于50的防晒霜只能提供很少的额外效益。

  Its especially essential to refresh sunscreen in certain burn- and skin cancer-prone areas of the body and face特别有必要在身体和脸部某些易于晒伤或易于患皮肤癌的部位“补充”防晒霜

  That includes the top of the ears, the forehead, the cheeks, and the nose.这包括耳朵上部、前额、脸颊和鼻子。

  Carry sunscreen with you during the day白天随身携带防晒霜

  Zampella says he totes a bottle of sunscreen with him every day.赞姆佩拉表示,他每天都带着一瓶防晒霜。

  Do I apply it every two hours? Probably not, he said. Realistically, hes probably applying twice a day while in the city. But hes morevigilant when hes spending the entire day outside. At the beach, I do try and get it on every two hours.“我会每两个小时涂一次防晒霜吗?可能不会,”他说道。实际上,在市区的时候,他可能会一天涂两次防晒霜。不过当他一整天都呆在户外的时候,他可能更警觉一些。“在海滩上,我确实会每两个小时涂一次防晒霜。”

  Make it a daily habit把涂防晒霜变成日常习惯

  According to Leffell, you should make putting on sunscreen everyday a part of your morning routine, just like brushing your teeth.勒菲尔表示,你应该把涂防晒霜作为你每天早晨常规活动的一部分,“就像刷牙一样”。

  By making it a regular behaviour, you have a much increased chance that you wont see it as an annoyance, and that you wont forget to do it, he said.“把它变成一项常规行为,这样你更可能不会把它视为一件烦人的事情,而且你还不会忘记它,”他说道。

  Zampella agrees. He says making sun care a daily reflex will give you the best long term benefits of both skin cancer prevention and also anti-ageing protection.赞姆佩拉同意勒菲尔的观点。他表示,把防晒变成日常行为会“为你的皮肤癌预防以及抗衰老防护带来最佳的长期效益。”

  Women should pay extra attention to their chest, while men should watch out on top of their head女士应特别注意她们的胸部,而男士应小心他们的头顶

  Leffell says women should be especially careful to protect the v of their chest from getting burned, since damage there is very hard to reverse cosmetically with lasers.勒菲尔表示,女性应特别注意保护她们的事业线不被晒伤,因为伤到那个部位“很难用激光修复”。

  For men, he recommends anyone whos lost a bit of hair should liberally apply sunscreen to their bald spots and their neck, and probably add a hat.对男士而言,他建议有点脱发的男士应在脱发的部位以及脖子上涂上充足的防晒霜,有可能的话,可以戴上一顶帽子。

  Once youve lathered up, get out there and enjoy a little sun!当你涂上防晒霜,就出去享受一下阳光吧!

  Theres plenty of scientific research that suggests a little sunshine on a regular basis can be good for your bones, your mood, and your waistline.大量科学研究表明,经常晒晒太阳对你的骨骼、心情和腰部曲线都有益处。
