
发布日期:2018-07-01 16:37 本文摘要:苹果发布iOS新系统,对老用户可真是好消息!Apple has announced the next version of its mobile operating system will be called iOS 12 and it will work especially well with older gadgets.苹果公布新手机操作系统将更新为iOS 12,和以往配件兼容。 C

  苹果发布iOS新系统,对老用户可真是好消息!Apple has announced the next version of its mobile operating system will be called iOS 12 and it will work especially well with older gadgets.苹果公布新手机操作系统将更新为iOS 12,和以往配件兼容。

  Craig Federighi, Apples senior vice president of software engineering, announced the new software on stage at the Worldwide Developers Conference in California.苹果软件工程高级副总裁克雷格·费德瑞在加利福尼亚世界软件开发会议中公布了iOS 12新系统。

  He confirmed it will be made available as a free update and will run on the same list of devices that support iOS 11 .他说,iOS 12免费升级,和 iOS 11可运作的应用相同。

  According to Federighi, the new software will boost performance on older Apple gadgets so apps launch 40% faster while the keyboard comes up 50% faster when you need to tap out a message.费德瑞说,iOS 12能提高原有苹果部件的性能,手机应用软件提速40%,需要打字时键盘出现的速度提升50%。

  He also said that the camera app on older iPhones and iPads will open 70% faster once iOS 12 is installed.以往版本的手机和平板照相应用开启速度将提高70%。

  As well as increasing performance in older devices, iOS 12 also contains better search abilities in Apple photos and more advancements in augmented reality.除了软件提速,iOS 12在苹果相册的搜索能力和增强现实技术也大大提升。

  There have also been some improvements to Siri, Apples voice assistant. A new feature called shortcuts lets third-party apps access and use Siri. An example shown on-stage was using Siri to say Ive lost my keys and activate a linked up Tile bluetooth tracker thats attached to your car keys.苹果的语音助手Siri也进行了更新。一款名为“捷径(shortcuts)”的功能允许第三方软件使用Siri。费德瑞在会议中展示了一个例子,用户对Siri说“我钥匙丢了”,手机会激活和车钥匙相连的蓝牙追踪应用。

  Another interesting addition to iOS 12 is limiting the amount of time you use certain apps.更有趣的是,iOS 12能控制用户使用个别应用的时间。

  You can set limitations on things like Instagram or WhatsApp to keep you focused. After the alloted time limit, your iPhone or iPad will block the app from working. It will run across multiple devices and Apple says that it will be useful for parents who want to limit what their kids use.用户可以设置使用类似Instagram或者WhatsApp应用的时间,保证做事时足够专注。超出可使用时间范围,手机或者平板就会将应用锁住,用户无法使用。这个功能对多项应用适用,苹果称这对父母来说很实用,他们可以控制孩子的使用时间。

  Apple hasnt forgotten animojis, either.当然,苹果也没有忘记动态表情。

  As well as now recognising when you stick out your tongue, Apple also introduced some new characters - like a ghost and a T-Rex.除了用户伸舌头的动作可被识别,苹果还推出了新的功能——幽灵和恐龙。

  Theres also now the option to create a cartoon version of your own face. Apple is calling it Memoji and youll probably start seeing a lot of them over the next few months.这两款功能也能让用户用自己的脸做卡通表情,苹果称之为“Memoji”,未来几个月,你可能会见到很多这样的表情了。

  Lastly, theres finally the ability to have a group chat in FaceTime.最后,终于能在视频时组群了。

  You can have up to 32 people in the same call and can even add Memojis to peoples faces.视频聊天时人数上限为32,可使用Memoji。

  Group FaceTime will work on iPhone, iPad and Mac while theres an audio-only option for Apple Watch.视频聊天组功能在手机、平板、笔记本中都适用,苹果手表仅可听声。

  “Were very excited about the new communications features we’re bringing to iPhone and iPad with Memoji, a more personal form of Animoji, fun camera effects and Group FaceTime,” said Federighi.费德瑞说:“我们对新的通讯功能很激动,苹果手机和平板以后都能用Memoji了,这个功能比Animoji更有个性,还能有更多的照相效果和群聊。”

  “With iOS 12, were enabling new experiences that werent possible before. We;re using advanced algorithms to make AR even more engaging and on-device intelligence to deliver faster ways to get things done using Siri.”“我们在iOS 12中运用了新的技术,这在从前是难以想象的。算法升级,使增强现实功能更吸引人,软件应用通过 Siri更快运行。”
