六级口语考试热点话题之 customs

发布日期:2018-06-30 18:13 本文摘要:上半年的六级口语考试迫在眉睫,为了帮助广大考生顺利通过考试并取得理想的分数,我们为大家准备了几个热点话题的应对攻略,希望能助广大考生一臂之力。 六级口语考试除了基本的问答以外,往往会就某一个话题要求考生进行深度思考并作答。那么这就要求考生熟


   六级口语考试除了基本的问答以外,往往会就某一个话题要求考生进行深度思考并作答。那么这就要求考生熟悉该话题,且具备一定的思考能力,六级口语考试热点话题之 customs并能对此发表自己的看法。小编认为,提前练习几个热点话题既可以让考生知道如何去深入表达该话题,又达到了考前练习的目的。


   1. What kind of customs do you think are good customs in our culture?

   2. What customs do you think should be revised?

   3. Why are some Western customs popular in China?

   4. How to preserve our traditional customs?


   1. Personally speaking, I think there are many good customs in our culture. For example, on Tomb-sweeping festival, we Chinese people will sweep the graves of our ancestors or loved ones in memory of them. What’s more, during Spring Festival, we will get together with our families to celebrate the new year.

   2. From my point of view, it’s reasonable for every custom to exist, but the way of celebrating it should be changed or revised. For instance, we shouldn’t waste a lot of money practicing a custom.

   3. As far as I’m concerned, there are two reasons mainly. First of all, we must owe it to the reform and opening up policy. Since then, China has largely increased its communication with western countries and western customs are accepted by Chinese people day by day. Second reason is that todays young people prefer a different way of life. Todays young people grow up in a totally different environment from last generation and its easy for them to accept new things. So out of freshness or keeping pace with the trend, they would like Western customs.

   4. In my opinion, at least two aspects should be done in order to preserve our traditional customs. For the government, it’s necessary to promote our traditional culture and encourage people to practice our traditional customs. For our common people, we should cherish and be proud of our traditional customs, and shouldn’t worship and have faith in foreign things.