
发布日期:2018-06-17 08:30 本文摘要:这个不错Ordering the wine at a business function is not unimportant. Business people are judged by just about everything they do, and an ability to order wine crisply and well probably takes on far more significance than it should. 在商业

  这个不错Ordering the wine at a business function is not unimportant. Business people are judged by just about everything they do, and an ability to order wine crisply and well probably takes on far more significance than it should. 在商业场合上点酒的能力并非无关紧要。而商务人士的一言一行都会被当作判断其能力高低的依据,点酒是否干脆老练且让人皆大欢喜,或许被赋予了远远超出其本身的意义。A story happened in 2000, a young assistant looked nervously over the wine list and finally told the sommelier, 'I think we'll try the Lancers.' In fact, this situation is even more fraught than it was in 2000. 有个故事讲的是2000年左右,有位年轻的助理紧张地看着酒单,最后告诉侍酒师,“我想我们就尝尝Lancers吧。”事实上如今这种事情的发生比2000年还要让人担忧。Back then, the person forced to choose the wine could simply focus on a California cult Cabernet or some other fancy bottle and everybody would be happy. These days, the bottom line when it comes to wine really is the bottom line. Successful business people are supposed to be able to identify value - and the wine list is no exception. This is where the 'cheap' comes in.在那个年代,被迫点酒者可以索性将重点放在加州California cult Cabernet酒或其它精美的酒上,而这样做也会让人皆大欢喜。如今,点酒的底线还真的是指价格的底线了。成功的商业人士都应该是识货的,在点酒上也不会例外。这就是我们所说的“便宜”的意思。商务宴会点酒四大注意事项:别太外行惹人笑 上一页 1234567 下一页