
发布日期:2018-06-16 21:44 本文摘要:名词所指对象第一次出现时,用不定冠词a连接,当后句再次提及该名词对象时,为了表示它和前一句名词是同一关系,会用定冠词the引出。 托福阅读的考试文章如果你可以掌握衔接的手法,那么这个托福阅读对于你来说就是比较简单的了,但是句子之间的衔接真的有这




1. 代词(Pronouns)


具体包括人称代词、指示代词和关系代词等(personal, demonstrative, relative, etc)。在上下句的关联中,代词是最为紧密的一类词。当作者再次谈及上句相关话题时,为了避免重复,遵循语言学的最简单化原理,托福培训阅读之什么是衔接手法作者会用代词指代该话题词。例如,


Speaking a foreign language is an enormous asset in the modern world. This is why so many junior high schools are now offering language classes。


Todays teachers are faced with a stark choice. They must decide whether to teach in a way that helps student pass standardized exams or teach in a way that actually helps students learn。


2. 定冠词the + 名词(specific articles+nouns)


名词所指对象第一次出现时,用不定冠词a连接,当后句再次提及该名词对象时,为了表示它和前一句名词是同一关系,会用定冠词the引出。例如,A woman is walking into our classroom. The woman is our teacher。



3. 重复话题词或同义近义改写(Repetition, synonym, or slight variation of a word)




托福培训举例如,To foster healthy relationships between children in a classroom, teachers should provide time for games and fun activities. Having healthy relationships with their peers helps children gain confidence useful in other parts of their lives. (重复话题词)


Before choosing a public or private school for their children, parents should take into account the cost. The price of a private school is usually much higher than that of a public school. (话题词同义改写)


4. 过渡性词和词组(Transitional phrases/transitional adverbs)



