
发布日期:2018-06-09 11:18 本文摘要:相关标签: 托福培训 就目前大陆考区学生所接触的北美地区四类热门考试(TOEFL, SAT, GRE, GMAT)的难度而言,TOEFL的难度系数是最低的。在实际教学中,朗阁海外研究中心的专家发现经常有一些基础很弱的同学在阅读托福文章的过程中喜欢把所有生词的汉语意思全

  相关标签: 托福培训 就目前大陆考区学生所接触的北美地区四类热门考试(TOEFL, SAT, GRE, GMAT)的难度而言,TOEFL的难度系数是最低的。在实际教学中,朗阁海外研究中心的专家发现经常有一些基础很弱的同学在阅读托福文章的过程中喜欢把所有生词的汉语意思全查出来,但是做题的正确率依然很低。在单词的意思已经知道的情况下为什么还是不会做题?很多基础差的同学虽然了解了每个单词的意思,但是当这些独立的单词组合成一句长难句的时候就看不懂了,也就是长难句分析能力太差。长难句分析能力差不仅会影响阅读速度和阅读准确性,而且还会影响某些题型的正确率。因为在托福阅读十大题型当中,句子简化题、事实信息题和推理题这几种题型都直接或间接地在考察学生分析长难句的能力。朗阁海外考试研究中心的专家认为,在面对长难句时,考生一定不能“只见树木(单词),不见森林(结构)”,句子主干部分永远比修饰部分要重要。下面笔者就来谈一谈托福阅读真题当中的长难句结构类型。一、定语从句首先,定语从句应该是托福阅读最喜欢考察的结构,一般可以将其分为两种:单层定语从句结构和多层定语从句结构。1. 单层定语从句结构:指整个句中包含一个或两个并列关系的定语从句。例:包含一个定语从句的情况In the late 1700s JamesWatt designed an efficient and commercially viable steam engine that was soon appliedto a variety of industrial uses as it became cheaper to use. (TPO 26 Energy and the Industrial Revolution)解析:该句是that引导的定语从句固定搭配:(be) applied to应用于a variety of很多…...词汇:viable=practicable=feasible=practical=possible(adj.) 切实可行的variety=category=group=lot (n.) 种类翻译:十七世纪末,James Watt设计了一种高效并且可商用的蒸汽机,随着其价格降低,很快被应用于各种工业。例:包含两个并列定语从句的情况Without predators, the species thatis the best competitor for food, shelter, nesting sites, and other environmentalresources tends to dominate and exclude the species with which it competes. (TPO27 Predator-Prey Cycles)解析:该句含有两个并列的定语从句,分别由that和which来引导。词汇:predator = eater捕食者dominate = govern = control = predominate (v.) 控制;统治exclude = rule out = eliminate (v.) 排除翻译:没有捕食者时,那种在对食物、庇护所、筑巢点和其它环境资源的争夺中胜出的竞争者,趋向于成为统治者,并且使与其竞争的其它物种灭绝。2. 多层定语从句结构:指包含两个及以上从属关系的定语从句例:If so, the green algae would have been subjected to environmentalpressures that resulted in adaptations that enhanced their potential to give riseto land-dwelling or organisms. (TPO 25 The EvolutionaryOrigin of Plants)解析:该句主要包含了两个由that引导的定语从句(但两者并不是并列关系,而是存在等级上的分层,即多层结构)一层:that resulted in adaptations二层:that enhanced their potential to give riseto land-dwelling or organisms.固定搭配:be subjected to… 容易受到......影响result in… 导致......give rise to… 产生......词汇:be subjected to…= be vulnerable to… = be susceptible to… 容易受到......影响result in = give rise to = lead to = contribute to… 导致......enhance = improve = boost = increase (v.) 提高organism = organic matter = organic = substance (n.) 有机物;有机体翻译:如果事实如此的话,绿藻可能曾经受到环境的压力,产生了适应机制,即提高进化出陆生植物或其他有机体的可能性。例:These include conducting vessels that transport water and mineralsupward from the roots and that move the photosynthetic products from the leavesto the rest of the plant body and the stiffening substance lignin, which supportthe plant body, helping it expose maximum surface area to sunlight. (TPO25 The Evolutionary Origin of Plants)解析:该句包含三个定语从句,前两个是由that引导的并列结构,共同来修饰先行词vessel, 构成第一层结构。(1) that transport water and minerals upward from the roots(2) that move the photosynthetic products from leaves to therest of the plant body and the stiffening substance lignin第三个定语从句是由which引导来修饰lignin, 构成第二层结构。(3) which support the plant body固定搭配:transport sth. upward from… 把某物从….向上运输expose sth. to… 把某物暴露在…下词汇:stiffening = rigid = tough (adj.)坚硬的substance = matter = material (n.)物质expose = reveal = unveil (v.)暴露翻译:其中包括从根部向上运输水分和矿物质的导管,从叶片向植物其他部分输送光合作用产物的筛管以及用来支撑植物体、使得它以最大表面积接触阳光的硬化木质。跟托福阅读长句“打招呼”-广州托福学习资讯二、同位语从句同位语从句在托福当中也算是一个高频的结构,主要是因为ETS比较人性化,喜欢以同位语或同位语从句的形式来对专有名词或抽象名词进行解释。例:A major development was the discovery, again about 3000B.C.E., that if copper, which had been known in Mesopotamia since about 3500 B.C.E.,was mixed with tin, a much harder metal, bronze, would result. (TPO26 Sumer and the First Citiesof the Ancient Near East)解析:首先这个句子主要含有一个由that引导的同位语从句thatif copper, which had been known in Mesopotamia since about 3500 B.C.E., was mixedwith tin, a much harder metal, bronze, would result.在该同位语从句中又含有一个原因状语从句if copper, which had been known in Mesopotamiasince about 3500 B.C.E., was mixed with tin在该状语从句中又含有一个定语从句which had been known in Mesopotamia sinceabout 3500 B.C.E.因此,如果按照句子的结构层数分析,该句应该属于三层结构的句子。固定搭配:be mixed with… 和…混合词汇:major = primary = staple= main (adj.)主要的mix = blend = mingle(v.)混合翻译:一个重大进展同样也发生在约公元前3000年,铜在约公元前3500年就为美索不达米亚人所熟知,如果将铜和锡混合在一起,就可以制造出一种更坚硬的金属——青铜。三、状语从句就难度而言,状语从句相对比较简单,因为该类型从句和主句各自都有完整的主谓宾结构,只要看到连接状语从句的连词考生就能分得清主句与从句。状语从句总共可以分为八类:时间状语从句;地点状语从句;让步状语从句;条件状语从句;原因状语从句;结果状语从句;目的状语从句;比较状语从句。大体上可以将状语从句与主句的关系分为两大类:并列或平行关系 & 让步转折关系。1. 并列与平行关系包括:条件 / 原因/ 结果 / 时间几大类状语从句例子:Scientists have no direct evidence forrecent or ongoing eruptions, but if these volcanoes were active as recently as100 million years ago (an estimate of the time of last eruption based on theextent of impact catering on their slopes), some of them may still be at leastintermittently active. (TPO25 The surface of Mars)解析:该句含有一个由if引导的条件状语从句。固定搭配:bebased on… 以…为依据atleast 至少词汇:evidence= proof n. 证据estimate= reckon n. 估计;估算intermittently = discontinuously adv. 间断地翻译:科学家们没有直接证据显示这些火山近期是否喷发过,或是否正处于喷发阶段,但是如果这些火山近期的活跃状态一如一千万年前那般(这一最近的爆发期是根据火山斜坡上陨石坑的范围估算出来的),它们当中的几个也许至少仍然会保持间歇性的活跃。2. 让步转折关系包括:让步 / 比较 两类从句例子:While population estimates are notoriouslyunreliable, scholars assume that Uruk inhabitants were able to supportthemselves from the agricultural production of the field surrounding the city,which could be reached with a daily commute. (TPO 27 Craftsin the Ancient Near East)解析:该句首先由while引导一个让步状语从句,其次,还包含一个which引导的定语从句。固定搭配:beable to 能够…词汇:notorious = infamy adj. 臭名昭著的inhabitant = resident =dweller = occupant = settler = citizenn. 居住者翻译:虽然人口估计数通常是不可靠的,但学者们认为乌鲁克居民可以通过日常与周围地区的通勤,得到周围地区产的农业产品以自给自足。四、强调句该句型是托福阅读中相对来说比较少见的一个结构,但是托福写作中这却是一个加分的句型结构,因为强调句的使用会让一篇议论文更加的有力度。常见的强调句型固定结构为:It is + 被强调部分 + that…..例子:It was this that made the organization ofirrigation, particularly the building of canals to channel and preserve thewater, essential. (TPO 26 Survival ofPlants and Animals in Desert Conditions)解析:该句是一个强调句的句型结构即it was……that……固定搭配:make…essential 使…成为必要词汇:irrigation = watering n. 灌溉particularly = especially = in particularpreserve = conserve = save = hold v. 保存essential = indispensable = necessary adj. 必要的elementary = fundamental = basic adj. 基本的翻译:这就使得灌溉系统的规划至关重要,特别是(如何)建造水渠以疏导和保存水资源。五、倒装句该句型结构不算高频类句型,难度不算太大。一般考生在见到倒装句的时候要具备能把它调整成一个正常语序的句子的能力即可。Northwest of Tharsis is the largest volcano of all: Olympus Mons, witha height of 25 kilometers and measuring some 700 kilometers in diameter at itsbase. (TPO25 The surface of Mars)解析:该句首先是一个倒装句,并且含有一个现在分词结构做状语。固定搭配:数字 + in + diameter / length / height 表示直径 / 长度 / 高度 为多少……词汇:measure = survey v. 测量step; method; way n. 措施;方法base = bottomn. 底部衍生出----basis n. 盆地;脸盆翻译:位于塔尔西斯西北的奥林帕斯山是其中最大的一座火山:25千米高,测得其基部直径大约有700千米。六、固定搭配主要指某些长难句中含有一些固定搭配结构,比如:not only…but also…;not…but…; neither…nor…; either…or…; both…and…等等。在很多情况之下,这些固定搭配都是在连接句子的主干,因此,考生需要熟悉这些固定搭配。例子:Earth’s surface isnot made up of a single sheet of rock that forms a crust but rather a number of“tectonic plates” that fit closely, like the pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle.(TPO 27 The Formation of Volcanic Islands)解析:该句主要含有一个固定搭配结构not…but…,以及一个定语从句thatfit closely, like the pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle.词汇:be made up of = be composed of = consist of 由...组成giant = huge = enormous = immense = gigantic adj. 巨大的翻译:地球的外壳并不是由单块岩石形成的,而是许多的构造板块严密地组合在一起,就像是一个巨大的拼图。