
发布日期:2018-11-30 20:19 本文摘要:摘要:雅思大作文需要在规定时间内写出250字以上的有理有据的作文,是对考生英语综合能力(单词、短语句型、构文)和逻辑能力的全面考查科目。雅思大作文写作范文可以增加考生对于写作思路的掌握。 雅思大作文的写作范文通常用词准确简练,表达地道,且文章

  摘要:雅思大作文需要在规定时间内写出250字以上的有理有据的作文,是对考生英语综合能力(单词、短语句型、构文)和逻辑能力的全面考查科目。雅思大作文写作范文可以增加考生对于写作思路的掌握。 雅思大作文的写作范文通常用词准确简练,表达地道,且文章构造工整有条理非常易懂。是烤鸭同学备考雅思大作文的必备材料。我们特为大家总结出雅思大作文写作范文,供大家借鉴。今天给大家介绍一篇——文化传统会因为旅游业而被破坏吗?



Some people think that cultural traditions will be destroyed when they are used as money-making machines aims at tourists, other people believe that it is the only way to save such conditions in the world today. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.
It is undoubted that nowadays cultural tour is becoming pervading among tourists. However, whether it is apositive trend or not remains a controversial issue. While I admit that utilizing cultural conventions to attract more tourists and make some money can to some extent prevent it from eliminating , I believe there are still better ways to protect our traditions.
On the one had, we have to admit that it is ameasure to attracted more public awareness. Since some traditions have already been neglected due to the rapid development of modern society, we have to take steps to hook more audiences on cultural traditions. In this way, they can be known and remembered by the public. Moreover, financial profits gained can also help to develop or maintain a certain local convention. A good example is the Lion Dancing in China -- a conventional folk dance which has been promoted by chargeable performances.



   On the other hand, it can also bring detrimentaleffect, thus, other reliable measures should be taken to save the cultural traditions. The cultural conventions are frequently adapted to satisfy and cater to the taste of modern people to maximize their profits. A potential danger is that gradually theses traditions will become simply products of modern demands of entertainment, which is merely another form of disappearance. Meanwhile, to better protect the traditions, it is the government that should take theinitial responsibility. Laws should be released; Students should be inculcated with the concept of various conventions and a consciousness to prevent them from being destroyed. Ultimately, efforts from other parts of the society are also pivotal. For instance, entrepreneurs can set off funds or social activities to offer a support; Social medias should put more focus on the traditions ignored.
By way of conclusion, although making cultural traditions profitable attractions can save them from some respect, the potential danger should by no means be ignored and there are certainly more reliable ways for this. In fact, it is imperative for us to combine powers of all sectors of the society to save our precious conventions.