
发布日期:2018-11-30 18:40 本文摘要:摘要:雅思写作中,旅游类是一个中等频率的话题,时常结合社会类,环境类进行出题。我们对这一类的中频话题,应该引起足够重视,但是要巧用复习方法。集中进行相关素材的学习就是一个比较好的方法。 雅思写作素材之旅游类为大家带来雅思大作文中的旅游出行相





   It is important to preserve both the culture and environment of the places you visit; however, some people say that it is impossible to be a responsible tourist. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion.


   Space travel has been possible for some time and some people think the space tourism could be developed in the future. To what extent do you think its apositive ornegative development?
1、 Booming post-Olympics tourism won’t boost the economy as much as hoped
Booming: 很好的一个形容词,繁荣发展的
Boost:刺激,经常说boost the economy刺激经济发展
2、 Unemployment is falling, house prices in England hit a record high in July andeconomic output appears to be growing at its fastest pace since 2010.
Hit a record high:达到高值,小作文也可以用的好表达,相当于reach the highest point/peak
appears to be growing at its fastest pace:增速快的
3、 At first glance Britain’s tourism industry appears to be contributing to the economic bounce.
At first glance:+n. 看。。。一眼,可以用来引入话题
Economic bounce: 经济反弹。
4、The government has been quick to attribute the tourism boom to the Olympics, in an effort to justify some of the £8.9 billion ($14.3 billion) spent staging them.
Attribute A to B: 把A归因于B,一个用来表达因果关系的常用表达,在这句话中的意思是“把经济繁荣归因于奥林匹克”
In an effort to: 用来。。。目的是。。。
Justify: 证明


   5、 This confirmed what many tourist-facing businesses already suspected: as Chinas burgeoning middle classes become more accustomed to foreign travel, the organisations that work out how to get their business stand to make sizeable amounts of money.
What…suspected: 宾语从句, 这确认了。。。怀疑的事情
tourist-facing businesses:相当于tourism industry 旅游产业
become accustomed to习惯于。。。
make sizeable amounts of money:赚大量的钱,可以不再用many/lots of 了
6、 The other is the stereotype-busting news that independent travel is more popular than group travel.
Independent travel: 自由行
Group travel:跟团旅行
7、 If this recent growth in independent voyagers is indeed a trend rather than an anomaly, then hotels wanting to attract Chinese guests may need to shift their focus away from building relationships with Chinese tour companies to working out more subtle ways to gain a reputation as a Chinese-friendly operation.
shift their focus away from:转移某人的注意力
8、 Competition to lure Chinese tourists has become fierce, says Andrew McEvoy, managing director of Tourism Australia.
Lure: vt. 引诱,相当于attract
9、Mr Yang joins a multitude of Chinese tourists venturing overseas.
a multitude of:一大群人
venture: 动词,冒险,这里作为旅游、出行的意思


