
发布日期:2018-10-01 08:28 本文摘要:雅思听力技巧之提升判断正误题的准确率摘要:在雅思听力中,频率较高的判断题往往是考生棘手的。通常考生也会了解相关的技巧,然而准确率依旧上不了。今天小站君为大家带来雅思听力技巧之提升提升判断正误题的准确率。 雅思听力中,频率较高的判断题往往是考




   1.替换的出现。At no time = never

   2.否定说法。At no time , never ,can’t ,must not , by no means , be free of

   3. 程度限定词。单纯地让考生判断正误难度较低,于是IELTS常用一些程度限定来考查例如some之类。对于出现程度限定词的考题,所出现的限定词必定是考点,考生可不看全句,只看主语和程度限定词,有的放矢,题目便迎刃而解。


   例如:Both the number and the percentage of people in the United Statesinvolved in nonagricultural pursuits expanded rapidly during the half century following the civil war, with some of the most dramatic increases occurring in the domains of transportation, manufacturing, and trade and distribution.

   What can be inferred from the passage about the agricultural sector of theeconomy after the Civil War?

   (A) New technological developments had little effect on farmers.

   (B) The percentage of the total population working in agriculture declined.

   (C) Many farms destroyed in the war were rebuilt after the war.

   (D) Farmersachieved new prosperity because of better rural transportation.




   绝对性限定:没有余地的限定。如:all ,must , must not , only , can , can not , at no time, by no means ,already , have done,等。

   相对性限定:part of , some , may ,can , sometimes , maybe , might , unless , except , Only…unless…, in the process of , not yet等。


   比如题目为: The Macintosh computer network can only be used by second and third year students.原文为:

   The Macintosh computer network is reserved only for second year and third year students unless you are a first year student of the Graphic Design course.




   表示多少的副词: many , some, much of, several , a few ,most …;

   情态动词:may, can , could…;

   表示过去的:used to be , was, were , at one time,previously ;

   表示不是唯一的:not only ,not exclusively等。

