职场英语每日一句•人物性格篇 24 句

发布日期:2018-06-27 17:18 本文摘要:职场英语每日一句人物性格篇 24 句 These kids fresh from college talk about big stuff, either changing the world or making millions right away. You cant rely on them, they havent been through the mill yet.这些大学刚毕业的毛头小子都只会好高骛

  职场英语每日一句•人物性格篇 24 句

  These kids fresh from college talk about big stuff, either changing the world or making millions right away. You cant rely on them, they havent been through the mill yet.这些大学刚毕业的毛头小子都只会好高骛远,不是大谈改变世界,便是如何发大财。他们都靠不住,一点实际工作经验都还没有。


  mill在英语里,不是解释为“作坊,磨坊”就是“车间,机器”;go through the mill恰如其分地道出了语意:下过基层,滚过一身泥巴,有底层的工作经验。


  美国雇主录用职员的时候,基层经验常成为最受重视和被考察的资历重点。所以凭借宝贵的基层经验,一步一个台阶,靠着几十年的努力打拼,最终成为高级管理人的,也一定同时是职场中的当红明星。不仅美国的传统工商业如此,就连电视媒体行业也不例外。前不久去世的Peter Jennings是美国头牌的新闻主播,论学历他连高中也没毕业,但他很早就开始 went through the mill,踏踏实实地坐上了ABC的新闻主播台。美国确是一个极其重视实际操作能力的国家。


  1. All the urban youth and academia were called upon to go through the mill in factories or on the farms.国家号召城市青年和知识分子到基层工厂和农村去接受锻炼。

  2. Victor, a highly seasoned investment banker, really went through the mill in England: from a takeaway delivery boy to a petty clerk in Shell, and now a hot shot broker with Barclays.维克多这么一个资深的投资银行家,曾在英国打拼了好多年,从做外卖郎开始,到Shell的小职员,再上升到现在的Barclays的大交易员,不容易啊!
